Monday, April 10, 2017

America to gain the most from the escalation of Indo-Pak tension

The recent offer by Trump administration to mediate between India and Pakistan over Kadhmir issue raises some eyebrows. Fully knowing India's known sensitivity to any 3rd party mediation, the State Department used Nikki Haley to issue the statement. Another aspect of it is, interestingly the US Ambassador to UN is a person of India origin.

This offer by international leaders to mediate between India and Pakistan regarding Kashmir issue is nothing new. It includes the Egyptian military ruler Hosni Mubarak and Nelson Mandela of South Africa.  

The least said about the Egyptian dictator is better. But Nelson Mandela always had a special relationship with India, with the later backing him to hilt at the peak of South Africa's racist Apartheid regime. A rare overseas recipient of BHARAT RATNA, the highest civilian award of India, Mandela reciprocated India's generosity by offering to mediate the Kashmir issue between the traditional rivals, with full prior knowledge of Indian sensitivity.

Mandela's act was a classic case of the Odia adage - JOU THALI RE KHAIBA, SEI THALIA RE HAGIBA (Shitting on the same plate which feeds you, simply meaning backstabbing the person who once backed you). A miffed India politely refused this generous offer from it's precious jewel from the overseas.

Pakistan has nothing to lose here. Any kind of international attention to Kashmir sounds music to its ears. But why this latest offer from Uncle Sam to get involved in Kashmir, which neither has hydrocarbon reserves nor any where near the Middle East, being fully aware of India's sensitivity to the issue ?

It's testing the water time for US. Every time a new administration takes over, America throws it's hat into Kashmir ring like a red flag for the India Bull in order to measure the extent of its response. Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did during the initial days of their administration. George Bush Jr would most probably have done so, but for the 911 attack.

Also Republican administrations with ties to the military - industrial compex (Democrats have to a lesser extent) see an opening by jacking up Indo-Pak tension to sell some arms. Though it has indigenous nuclear weapon and missiles, India is one of the highest buyers of arms from international market, a huge market for any arms seller. Like a ripe fart, the new American administration smells an opportunity here.

Call me a conspiracy theorist, I see a link between Nikki Haley's call to mediate, soon followed by hanging order given by Pakistani court to an alleged RAW agent. Don't be surprised if an excited Pakistan follows up by staging another spectacular attack on Indian soil. Any increase in tension is a win win situation, directly propertional to weapos sale. 

No prize for guessing who will be the one to gain the most out of it. As we say in Odia DUI JANA KA KALI RU TRUTIYA RA LABHA (A third person always gains from the quarrel of two). It has always been applicable to any person or nation.

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