Saturday, April 8, 2017

A Syria imbroglio is best avoidable

With their man in the White house and a majority in the Congressional House, the Republicans are back to their business in Washington - the business of conducting meaningless wars, so also Cowboy diplomacy and "Wham Bam, Thank you ma'am" attitude.

For starting a war, all they need is a fall guy. As our Grandmothers narrated the BUDHI ASURUNI GAPA (Old demoness tells) during bedtime every night, slowly inculcating a fiendish notion towards the poor old demoness in our mind, the Republicans in cohort with their Right wing media are feeding the image of demons to the gullible Americans.

Prominent of them are Kim Jung Un of North Korea and Assad of Syria. The former in possession of nuclear weapons and nuclear capable missiles with a penchant for unpredictability in a volatile commercial region surrounded by China, Japan, South Korea and Singapore is a difficult nut to crack. 

It puts too much at stake to take the risk of attacking North Korea, which can lead to a crazy response from a still crazier despot leading to put the economy of the region vital to world economy decades back, taking it into doldrums.

The other guy Assad neither has oil, nor nuclear weapons. He is the enemy of the Sunni powerhouses lead by the House of Saud and America's pampered child and the unofficial 51st State of Israel. So, he can easily be the fall guy, inviting the Fall of Tomahawk missiles from the sky, courtesy US.

Reminds me of once a Blue eyed boy of America, a man named Saddam Hussain whom the US State Department molly coddled, described him - "Saddam is a bast*rd, but our bast*rd". There are pictures of Rumsfeld, one of the chief architects of 2003 Iraq war shaking hands with him. 

Saddam Hussain was fine as long as he kept the Jihadi elements as well as the Iranians under check, especially the later with whom he fought a decade long war. America remained conspicuously silent when the Iraqi dictator equalled Persians as vermins and the worst thing that happen to mankind apart from Sand and mosquitoes. He waged a decade long war with its Shia majority neighbor. Americans, who are world champion businessmen, made profit out of that war, selling weapon to Iraq.

They removed Saddam only to create a power vacuum, making the Jihadists and Iranians more powerful in that region. They removed Gaddafi and invited Benghazi on them. Assad may be a basta*d, but he has kept other fellow basta*ds in that region at bay. If he gases his own people, his counterpart Al Baghdadi, the self proclaimed Chief of ISIS Caliphate burns people in cages. 

We don't know what will happen if Syria falls into the hands of ISIS after the fall of Assad. But what we know, it's better to live with a known devil rather than an unknown one, whose devilish incarnation can't be fathomed. Americans who are great at bombing the hell out of their opponents, are inherently creatures of comfort and lack stomach for long term war, as vindicated in Vietnam and Iraq. Trump must realize that the era of Cowboy diplomacy is long over and he is inviting a big mess if he repeats Dubya Bush's mustake.

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