Sunday, February 26, 2017

Remembering Chanakya and Nostradamus

Nostradamus is back in news again. If the noisy chatters in the Social media is to be believed, the legendary French clairvoyant of 16th Century predicted the arrival of Donalus Trumpus, who will lead the mankind to World War III.
The bearded Clairvoyant was known to have correctly predicted about the rise of Napoleon, both World Wars and even named Hitler as close as "Hister" nearly 500 years ago. One of his numerous accurate predictions was the rise of the New Land, as the present day America was then referred to as superpower, with a Black President at the turn of the 21st century.
Nostradamus wrote all his predictions in cryptic form in a book he named as "Centuries". But now, after any major event occurs in the world is attributed to him, never before it. E-mails and social media posts about his predictions go viral, translated from cryptic Gothic to sensible meanings by myriads of self proclaimed translators, a la a computer translating binary code to readable text.
During my college days a common question in Quiz competitions was to name the great psychic and clairvoyant from France - the answer to that was Nostradamus. Those days his name was enough unheard to be part of any quiz questionnaire, a trivia for the challenged minds. But not anymore. His name is way too commonly mentioned these days to be part of any trivia game.
After the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center e-mails (then no social media was there) started circulating about Nostradamus's predictions - "At 45° (the latitude of New York) Big birds(airplanes) will strike the heart of the most power nation" blah blah. Regarding India it is said he predicted that the Queen (Indira Gandhi) who would rule India will be assassinated, followed by her son.
Nostradamus also supposed to have predicted the arrival of the Messiah Narendrous Modus (Narendas Modi), who will be chosen over the "Moronous Rahulus Gandhus (Rahul Gandhi)". Modus Operandi of Narendas Modus will take India to great length, breadth and heights of success, says his prediction.
However, the legendary seer is conspicuously silent on Odisha, probably outsourced to our own MAALIKA PANJI, the Odia version of "The Centuries". Not sure if there is print version of it or anybody has ever read it - it supposedly predicts "BAAISI PAHANCHE KHELIBA MEENA (The legendary 22 steps leading to the Jagannath temple of Puri will be submerged in water with Fish playing on it). It was expected to happen during the tropical Cyclone Phailin, but our Lord Jagannath decided to take a Rain Check.
Waiting eagerly to see the next "Donalus Trumpusqe" or "Narendrous Modisque" predictions, I can't miss stories attributed to Chanakya circulating on social media, the legendary teacher, master, strategist and political adviser to the Emperor Chandragupta. Here is one - One night he receives a visitor who finds the witty Minister doing Court work in the dim light of an Oil lamp. 
Chanakya asks the visitor - Is your visit official or personal ? "It's personal MAHA AMATYA (Chief Minister)", said visitor. Chanakya blows away the lamp and lights another. The bewildered visitor asks Chanakya about his strange behavior. The smart Amatya comes with his ready wit - the first lamp I used was for the official business, the money for the oil comes from the Royal treasury. Now I am talking to you on personal matters, I switched to the other lamp whose oil is paid by the salary I receive. His point well taken, the visitor could not stop admiring the Guru's wisdom.
Hundreds of quotes are attributed to Chanakya - from right punishment for right crime, to whom to trust or not. Now it's my turn to trust how much of his Chanakya NEETI (treatise) is true to trust or not. In this age of random, rampant fake news, I need to trust my instinct to chaff out the fake from the real ones.

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