Sunday, August 28, 2016

Philippines president wants to separate from UN

"May be we will just decide to separate from United Nations" - said Rodrigo Duerte, the President of Phillipines, aftet UN criticized his anti-drug campaign as human rights violation.

UN's utterance is a classic example of the wrong man saying the right thing. It is the world's biggest, bloated Bureaucracy, utterly inefficient and spineless against its veto power wielding members.

At least an year ago Saudi Arabia headed the UN council of Human Rights. Amongst its other members is China, another Champion of human rights violation, completing the league of distinguished gentlemen.

In June, 1981 following the Israeli taking down of Iraqi Nuclear Reactor on the outskirtsof Baghdad. US promptly vetoed any UN resolution against Israel.

I still vividly remember this cartoon by R K Laxman on the front page of Times Of India, where the UN Secretary General says to the recalcitrant, mockingly grimacing Israeli PM - "The more you launch such an attack, you will be criticized more severely".

35 years down the road, not much has changed. If this threat from Philippines materializes, a trend would be set for more nations to come out of this behemoth global Babudom, which is not a bad idea at all. Why stick to an institute which after scores of years of existence, has far more failures than achievements to its credit.

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