Saturday, August 13, 2016


Though I am a tiger at being a critic, a tamed kitten when it comes to be critical of my wife's choice. It explains why I smiled into watching Hirthri Roshan's MAHENJODARO - my wife being a huge fan of the actor.

I am not a fan of Hirthik, neither my son ain't a fan of Hindi movies. But both readily volunteered to be the BAKRA (goat) or collateral damage to the wish of the sole female member of our entourage. As a contigency plan, my paraphernalia included a full pack of ALEVE headache relieving pills, in case they come handy and my son some candy.

Couple of characters in that movie, Hojo and Lothar seemed to have been taken out of Mandrake comics from my childhood days. As the movie progressed, I felt drowsy inside the cold comfort of the theatre on a summer afternoon.

There were hardly 50 inside the theatre meant for 500. It vindicates a tweet I read earlier this morning - if you want to study history, you can go to see this movie. You can really focus on the subject inside the empty hall.

To massage my other half's ego, I would intermittently alternate between peeking at her through the corner of my eyes and gaping at screen with my mouth and eyes wide open. Not a bad way to feign attention, as we call in Odia AAN KARI PI JIBA (gulping the movie with eyes open). I earned my fake certficate of enjoying the movie.

It was akin to the bored DBA (Din Bhar Aram) ex-colleauge of mine, who successfully hoodwinked his boss by dozing off while keeping his head strest, his fingers well pisitioned on desktop keyboard.

End of the day the moral of this story is a twisted versiob of the PRESTIGE pressure cooker commercial during my growing up days in India -


One who has true love for wife
How can one refuse the movie she likes..

My review of the movie - if you are a diehard Hirthrik fan or a Bollywood buff who feels like to spend a dog day of summer without slumber by eking out a few bucks, it's for you. For the rest, it's  avoidable at best.

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