Saturday, April 11, 2015

George Washington and Benjamin Franklin - I

It's fascinating reading about American History when I teach Social Studies to my son, preparing him for his test (as examination is known as here) at his school. There is always something to learn from history. Here are a few excerpts in words of my own....
America, as we know today, was vastly different in 1700s. But there was something in common between now and then, it was the land of immigrants and rich. By mid 1700, the immigrants were already into their 3rd generation, hardworking and innovative. Plantations made them self sufficient, trading made them rich, duly vindicating the old Sanskrit adage that BANIJYE BASATI LAKSMI, i.e. trading makes one rich. The Cities of Boston and Philadelphia, the two biggest cities of the time were booming, already trading with Europe and Caribbean. The city of New Amsterdam which just got the new name NEW YORK after the British took it over from the Dutch, was still at its infancy.
One other thing was happening in the New World, as America was addressed at the time. The English, Scotts, Irish, Germans, Dutch et all no more identified themselves with their countries of origin. They have stayed on this land long enough to have an identity of their own, starting to call themselves as "AMERICANS". With British, Scott and Irish contributing to nearly half the population, English soon became the language of the Americans and it's still the same.
George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, what exemplary characters they were ! When the French built fortification in the Ohio Valley, the British sent a young, talented Colonial general to deal with the situation. His name was George Washington. Though he was defeated by the French, he showed amazing leadership qualities. Later as the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army (as the US Army was known then) he overcame great obstacles to turn the war in its favor against the formidable British, arguably the most powerful military on the surface of earth at that time.

He was immensely helped by an America innovation, the accurate long barrel gun called "Pennsylvania rifle", made by the German immigrants. It was the one of the first innovation by the American immigrants, certainly not the last. He would literally turn the guns on their adversaries, using his bunch of 15000 ragtag soldiers against a well trained British Army of 50000. It vindicates his exceptional acumen and military strategy. Least the British knew that one day the same general who they sent to fight against the French, would on day turn his gun to them. George Washington, was not an elected, rather a selected President. He left on his own accord after his 2nd term, setting a precedence for his followers. (Most after him were 2 term Presidents until FDR's unprecedented 4th term forced the Americans to pass a law to limit the presidency to 2 terms). Tomorrow...more about Benjamin Franklin

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