Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A phenomenon called Pandian

Regardless of who makes gain or loss, wins or loses this ongoing election in my home state of Odisha back home in India, love him or hate him, there is something undeniable in the electoral air - "the Pandu, aka, Pandian" phenomenon. The election 2024 in Odisha is undoubtedly Karthikeyan Pandian's election, he is the one on everyone's mind and mandate.In the hot and stiffling, humid campaign trails the man is constantly seen next to the popular Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, smiling and waving next to him, holding the microphone 🎤 to his mouth as the white attired CM, a man of few words speaks in feeble, accented Odia. 

Who is Pandian ? He is an IAS Officer of Odisha cadre who rose to prominence by running the day to day administration on behalf of the Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik who is normally adverse to get into the nitty gritty of day to day running of the state, leaving the administration to run on the wheels of India's powerful, massive bureaucracy. Pandian brought efficiency to the notoriously sloth Babudom of Odisha which impressed Naveen Babu. Soon he got a blank check by the CM by starting to run the political affairs of the state, initially in the background, until 6 months ago he shed his shyness to come to the forefront by resigning from his cherished IAS job to jump into the more lucrative profession of politics by joining BJD, the party whose wheels run on the charisma of the laconic Naveen Patnaik. 

It is said that Pandian who is seen as Naveen Patnaik's Man Friday and his anointed political successor, always seen next to him like his bodyguard, is like his foster son. Some joke in Odia - "Naveen Patnaik JHADA GALA PARE Pandian CHHANCHEI DAU THIBA" (After Naveen Patnaik done with his shitting, Pandian probably washes off his ass). Figuratively speaking it says a lot. The man certainly have been given a free hand by the CM to run the party and more importantly the state administration by remote. An old time politician of the ruling Party BJD who prides himself as a PAIKA KHANDAYAT, a self proclaimed lion from a caste in Odisha with a reputation of their ancestors being fearless fighters bends his back, behaving more like a CHHELI (goat) in front of Pandian. So much about his Khandayat bravely and self respect. He isn't alone. Even today, if his detractors in BJP and Congress are offered a plum party tickets or position, they will come running to him, licking his feet while wagging their tails. The so called Odia pride be damned, relegated to the backburner only to be used for political purposes. 

Pandu has earned a name and fame by carving his niche in the political milieu of Odisha, so much so that the top brass of BJP, including India's Prime Minister Modi is accusing the young, just retired IAS Officer of Odisha cadre, originally from the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu of stealing the state's money and resources. To Pandian's defense comes M.K.Stalin, the Chief Minister of his home state Tamil Nadu who wants to make a political score by defending his compatriot from his own state - "Modi is hurting our Tamil pride by going personal and regional against Pandian as if we Tamils are robbers". It is said that all is fair in love and war. Add politics to that. 

Pandian came to USA last Fall where he was chatting with NROs (Non Resident Odias). A friend of mine asked him - "Hey Karthik (Pandian's First Name). I heard you are the man running the show in Odisha". Wearing an untucked cream colored shirt and white pants, not accustomed to such a blunt query, Pandu got flustered by such a remark, but politely smiled backed in a thick Tanglish (Tamil accented English) - "Naa. Nayything (nothing) like thyat (that). Sir (Naveen Patnaik) is in charge of our governments because people layve (love) him". He wasn't far from the truth. People love Naveen Patnaik. But not so much Pandian who is seen by the commoners as messenger of the Chief Minister of Odisha. Odia news channels who do silly and shallow reporting jump on to every media byte of Pandian, giving him a larger than life portrayal. 

Last couple of weeks I was in India on an unplanned trip. It didn't go unnoticed to me that Pandu, aka Pandian was the hot topic of discussion amongst locals. During the DASA TUTHA (the10th day Ritual) on a hot and humid but breezy afternoon the main topic amongst male relatives from my extended family was the ongoing election and how Pandian has hijacked our "Mukhya Mantri" (Chief Minister) and his agenda. The females who cared least about politics, preferred to gossip about family and doing character assassination of their Mother-in-laws and Daughter-in-laws, Samudi and Samuduni (co-in laws) whom soever concerned. 

The barber while giving me a clean shave and wiping off chunks of my long salt and pepper hair proclaimed loud enough to be audible to the rest sitting under  the shade of a huge Banyan tree - "AGYAN PANDU NABINI BABU KU PURA KABU KARI DEICHI (Pandian has totally captured our CM). Yet I will still vote for Naveen Babu. He is a simple and honest man. The BJP consists of all discarded elements from other parties". But rest of my relatives, all Brahmins, happened to be supporters of BJP. Though not Bhakt types, they were not happy at Pandian, a Tamilian controlling Odisha. I interjected - "After all Pandian is Indian  It is one thing to have pride about one's language and culture. We Odias aren't a race known for being proud of our language, culture and tradition. If Pandian controls Odisha and Odias, for that we Odias clearly have to be blamed. Could an Odia have gone this far in any other state of India as Pandu has succeeded in Odisha ? I don't think so. That speaks a lot about us. Folks are simply jealous of Pandu's unprecedented success. The anatagonism against Pandian is self explanatory as success breeds enemy. 

We live in interesting times. June 4 will decide the political future of Pandu who is tolerated by his party for his closeness to NP, whom the people love from the bottom of their heart. It has to be seen how far a resurgent BJP will be able to break the BJD citadel and the political future of the nascent entry of Pandu who is barely 50. He may stay for long run, or fade into political oblivion. We are uncertain about it. But what is certain, the man has carved his niche. Purusottam Dev of Puri conquered Kanchi (part of Tamil Nadu). Now the wheel of fortune has turned a full circle. 

Pandian reminds me of a scene from Bollywood movie APAHARAN (Kidnapping). Nana Patekar playing a Don hires a rookie kidnapper played by Ajay Devgan into his gang. Nana's jealous, perturbed henchmen questions the veracity of taking Ajay into his folder. Nana justifies his hiring - "PEHLE APNA AUKAAD DIKHAYA, USKE BAAD KAAM MANGA (He first proved his worth, then he asked for job). Similarly, Pandian has proved his mettle with his meteoric rise. Only time will bear the testimony of how far he will go !!!

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