Monday, December 4, 2023

The 4 state elections 2023

 The much awaited results of the just concluded state elections in India are out. As there already 367,588 analysts out there on the social media analyzing the results, I didn't want to be left behind, opting to become the 367,589th one. 

Congress won only one and BJP the rest of the major states. This election proved that it is no more BJP, it is unequivocally Modi's party now. Until he is alive this is a hard truth one has to live with, same as during Indira Gandhi's heydays when Congress and its hand symbol was synonymous with Indira Gandhi, not the party. At one point of time it was called Congress (I) or Indira Congress as she hijacked the party as her family fiefdom. BJP, still a Cadre based party, at least officially is not yet BJP (M), but de facto Modi's BJP. The results of the recently finished state elections, considered as prequel to India's national Parliamentary election next year, just vindicated the fact. 

A popular quip during the 1970s and 80s when the Congress Party was in power almost all over India, was the Congress Party will win as long as "ALLI and COOLIE" (Muslims and poor people) vote for the party. It wasn't far from truth. Both the minorities and majority poor stuck to Congress party as an infant clutches to mother's breast. Congress is currently ailing as ALLIs (Muslims) have long since moved to other parties, followed by COOLIES (poor folks) no longer votes for overwhelmingly vote for Congress. 

These days, BJP matched by its grass-root organization, money power coupled with its star campaigner Modi has successfully stolen the thunder from Congress. The election was supposed to be close in MP, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. But some last moment campaign by Prime Minister Modi contributed to a small but valuable voting gain of couple of percentage, large enough in Indian political context to swing the Election in the favor of BJP. Best example is Rajasthan where the vote share of BJP is 41% versus 39% secured by Congress. Those vital difference of 2% can be attributed to Modi's active rallies in the state. However, BJP is yet to expand its footsteps beyond the South of Bindhyas other than Karnataka. Congress won a consolation prize by winning Telengana. 

Politics is a matter of perception. BJP has mastered the art of event management with portraying its leader Modi as the man of the future. On the other hand, the Gandhi family is already past its sell by expiry date. India is a young country where more than 70% of its voters are born after 1984 when Indira Gandhi, the last Gandhi with politics in her blood died. The party can't run on inertia and just win elections by expecting BJP to lose. Unless a change in leadership is made at top and fresh blood is infused into the moribund leadership, the party is going to shrink further. And this is not good for democracy. Power is the best aphrodisiac. Power leads to corruption and absolute power can corrupt absolutely. Long term stay in power by a single party can very well sow seeds of dictatorship whose harvest may not be quite palatable.

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