Monday, December 25, 2023

Commercialization of Jagannath Culture

 We Odias have a connection to Lord Jagannath. Visit any Odia home, you will see a picture or idol of the Deity, mostly in the living room (in local lingo called drawing room) or in Puja (worship) room, sometimes in both. Sri Jagannath is universally considered as our "ARADHYA DEVATA or the most propitiated God. No auspicious occasion starts without taking His name. In all Hindu marriages in the state, the first invitation goes to Him. In a state where the people have a reputation of being mild and docile, who abhor religious bigotry, Lord Jagannath is uniquely close to the heart of all of us Odias, big or small, beggar or sorcerer, rich or poor, in home or abroad.

Lord Jagannath who always resides in the heart of Odias have helped their race for centuries. A legend which every Odia from my generation has grown up with has it - Jagannath, along with His elder brother Balabhadra, riding a black and white horse respectively has assisted King Purusottam Deb of Puri in defeating his opponent, the King of Kanchi. 

The word Jagannath is formed as the conjoint (SANDHI) of two words, JAGAT (Universe) + NATH (meaning Lord of the Universe) = Jagannath. He is also addressed by many other names - CHAKADOLA (Circular eyeballs), KAALIAA (for his Amber complexion), JAGABANDHU (Friend of Universe), PAITAPABAN and myriads of other names by his devotees. Sri Jagannath is considered as a form of Lord Vishnu. Inside the temple his soul resides in his idol made from DAARU (wood). He is invariably accosted by his elder brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra on his side.

What is Jagannath culture ? To keep it simple - it is a way of life, our way of life. It denotes the wonderful culture and traditions of Odias and the great state of Odisha. Jagannath culture envisages devotion and respect for elders, love and affection for the younger, compassion for all. The Lord invokes us to do the right things and follow the path of righteousness and justice. It is as simple as that, need not be any more complex to comprehend or visualize.

In its realms the Jagannath culture sees God in every object, in its endless and infinite form. It is just not limited to any national or international boundary. As His name indicates, Jagannath belongs to the whole universe - He is not limited of any particular caste, creed, nation, community or person. Believers, atheists and agnostics alike agree on one thing, i.e, Lord Jagannath is our window to the world. It is our export which does not bring us any foreign exchange, but tons of gems in the form of goodwill and joy.

I have a personal connection to the famous Sri Jagannath temple of Puri, as my ancestral village is located few miles away from the temple city. Puri and its neighboring villages have a reputation of still preserving old temple culture that involves SANGA, BHANGA, SANGEETA and PANGATA (Friend, Cannabis paste, Music sessions and Sumptuous Meals), which simply defines their laid-back life as devotees. Devoted to the Lord, they hold him close to their heart ❤. 

Sri Jagannath is offered CHAPPAN BHOG (56 kinds of foods) as offerings, but the MAHAPRASAD (the great food offering) also colloquially known as ABHADA tops it all. It is cooked on huge earthen pots fueled by fire woods. No garlic, onions or vegetable of foreign origin - Potato, Tomato, Cauliflowers, Chillies, Cabbages, Papaya etc are ever used as ingredients. This is the favored meal of all religious occasions and post death rituals like DASAH (10th Day after death ceremony) and SHRADDHA (Annual Death Anniversary prayers). It has a unique appetizing smell and taste which is attributed to Lord's MAHIMA (miracle). Inside the temple there is a place named ANANDA BAZAAR (The Market of Happiness) where all devotees irrespective of caste, creed or class can seat and eat together. It is a profound aspect of our culture where all are considered equal in the abode of the Lord. 

Of late, stark commercialization of our Jagannath culture, at least a part of it had commenced. In this context, I am presenting the recent saga of a 35 year old girl Kamiya Jani, a well known YouTuber who was promoting the MAHAPRASAD of Sri Jagannath on her video Channel along with a powerful BJD leader on the Puri temple premises. But soon controversy broke out after a video the same girl earlier promoting Beef curry in one prior YouTube videos went viral. 

The girl has gone public denying eating beef. Regardless of her eating habits which I believe is purely someone's personal menu to choose from, what bothers many lovers of Jagannath temple and its culture, including me is the crass commercialization associated with it. Is MAHAPRASAD a commodity to be marketed by a food blogger or otherwise ? Does the Lord Himself needs advertising ? It is also said that the Lord saved himself from the marauding KALAPAHADA the JAVANA (the outcaste outsider), an euphemism for the Muslim General who desecrated the temple in the 16th century by temporarily escaping to nearby Khurda. So Sri Jagannath or His culture and legacy doesn't need the endorsement of sundry food bloggers for survival.

Years ago when I was inside the temple,  a Panda (priest) next to me, with his voice being slurry post consumption of a liberal dosage of Bhang (Cannabis paste) was heard praying - "HAIRE JAGA (his affectionate way of addressing Sri Jagannath). Rice costs Rs.50 per Kilogram, Daal costs Rs.100, Bhanga costs Rs.5 per serving. PELE**PUA (son of a bitch), how can we live ?" This is a glimpse of the classic Puri town culture of small talk giving big pleasure. Unwarranted commercialization of the milieu will take these innocence out of the local culture, as bee socks out the nectar from a flower or juice is sucked out from a piece of lemon.

Per my friends from Puri, these kind of GULLI - KHATTI (light discussion) ridden laid back lifestyle is vanishing. The area surrounding famous Jagannath temple bustling with life where the shops, kiosks, carts, flower sellers along with Bulls, Pandas (temple priests) and visitors lived in peaceful coexistence had been cleared and relocated. The place has been robbed off its heart and soul that defined the milieu of Puri.

Per my friends familiar with Puri and its vicinity the authorities are constructing a 100 plus meter Air Conditioning make shift path on the Badadanda linking to "Garuda Stambha (pillar)" located close to the main entrance of the temple. It is dividing the road and making life by of locals miserable, causing growing resentment amongst them.

It is a price to pay associated with the growth in the number of visitors along with population growth, to make the temple visit streamlined, cleaning the congestion surrounding it. Yet chaos and disorder brings the fun and frolic out of life rather than orderly tidiness. The quintessential soul of the town is missing. Perestroika in name of embellishment seems to have altered its culture. The vivacity attached to it  forever gone.

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