Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween 2022

 Halloween always reminds me this spooky episode of my grandmother's tryst with the outer world. She used to narrate us this story from her childhood which till date fascinates me.

When she was about 10 years old, she was seriously ill. Those were the days when incurable diseases like Cholera not Condom which kept India's population under control. Her parents quit on her, when they saw her eyes closed and her body became cold. She remembered floating above her body, watching her parents crying. She saw some of her dead relatives. That included her sister who was close to her and succumbed a year earlier to Small Pox. She told my grandma, not to worry about the nether world, as she got familiar company.

Then a big burly guy came from nowhere, yelling - "What she is doing here ? She needs to go back, her time hasn't come yet." Soon she opened her eyes, to see her sobbing parents relax and wipe off tears from their eyes. She started to miraculously recover from that day. She lived a long life, well into her 90s, never ever suffering any major ailment after this and leading a very smooth life until the age of 95. Till she died, she was active, taking care of herself and passed away peacefully in sleep while taking afternoon siesta. A blessed death for any human.

In modern day clinical terms, it is called NDE (Near Death Experience). I would think, this was a short term Nether Death Experience, her tryst with the outer realms. Whatever it may be, my grandma forever insisted on this event, took RAANA (swore on the lives of her near and dear ones) of speaking the truth. I do have reasons to trust her, as ladies from that generation took their RAANA seriously, especially when it comes to their kids and grand kids.

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