Sunday, October 9, 2022

Happy birthday Lok Nayak

 Jayaprakash Narayan is amongst the numerous great persons born in the month of October (incidentally he died in the same month also). For me, he is synonymous with his opposition to the historic Emergency imposed in 1975 and his role in the Lok Sabha (Parliament) elections that followed in March 1977, when Indira Gandhi called off emergency and announced fresh election only to be drowned by the Janata (Party) Tsunami.

As a 8 year old, I have faint memories of the Emergency, remembering the headlines on the newspaper Times of India "JP WAVE UNABATED" (used to be delivered in Bhubaneswar by flights from Delhi in the evening). Jayaprakash Narayan fondly called as JP and LOK NAYAK (Leader Of The People) was creating waves across North India which wiped away the entire Congress from the cow belt. His slogan "SINGHASAN KHALI KARO, KI JANATA A RAHI HAI (Relinquish power, as Janata Juggernaut is on its way) caught the imagination of the masses in North India where the Congress Party was literally wiped out.

I remember my father and uncle clinging to the radio to get the latest election results from BBC whom the public at the time trusted more for authenticity than AIR (All India radio). Late in the night came the news of Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay's defeat followed by spontaneous celebrations on streets.

Indira Gandhi was defeated by Raj Narain, a political buffoon of the time and her son Sanjay by a local goon. I remember fireworks going up lighting the sky and celebrations near SOOCHANA BHAWAN (Information center) in Bhubaneswar, only source of latest news those days, when internet, social media and for many TV was strictly fantasy.

Delhi also didn't sleep that night when its denizens went on a frenzied celebration spree. I still remember the pictures next day of folks in bell bottom pants and long sideburns dancing on streets of our capital city flashed on Newspapers.

The man who sowed the seeds of the first anti-Congress government at the center with his concept of "Total Revolution" is India's is now a much forgotten and neglected hero. Khushwant Singh who interacted with many Who's & Who's during his long life span, admires JP as the top 5 personalities he admired -  "this man was so powerful and charismatic, yet so down to earth that though an extremely busy person he would give an audience and a patient hearing to everyone who visited him". 

Without him, Indira Gandhi could have defeated the fragmented opposition (she in fact swept the South and portions of Gujarat and Maharashtra who stood solidly with her despite the Emergeny) and possibly christened herself as the Queen of India and her son Sanjay as the Crown Prince. Thanks mostly to JP,  it didn't happen and democracy survived in India. Indira was to be taught a lesson. Otherwise she could might have made India her dictatorship. Emergency was probably her testing ground for that.

Soon after his death, the Janata Party splintered. Many likes Laloo Yadav who grew under JP's shadow promising to help the poor, ended up making himself and his family rich by indulging in rampant corruption. His followers forgot him and his ideology. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan, one more of our forgotten heroes.

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