Sunday, May 16, 2021

Social media's response to Israel's strike on Hamas

 There is a saying in Odia - "MORA SINA NISA NAHI, MO MADHIA BHAI RA MOTA MOTA NISA (I don't have a moustache, but my Madhia bro has fat moustache). The glee by many on the social media at Israel's bombing on Hamas targets reflects the same. 

For years we have harbored an inferiority complex as a weak nation and Pakistan screwing us time and again. We have hardly done anything spectacular to pay back our western neighbor in the same coin. So when Israel bombs Hamas and the Palestinians, we get vicarious pleasure and jump in ecstasy, because Palestine and Pakistan share one thing - both are Muslim countries. Wish Israelis reciprocate a fraction of our unilateral solidarity with them.

Israel has a long record of double standards vis a vis India. Not just Israel, but every country in the world who follows pragmatic foreign policy does that - hypocrisy and double dealings are the leitmotif of international relationship. Israel is no exception.

Long back I read a book on Mossad - the dreaded Israeli secret service. In June, 1981 in a swift strike Israel using their freshly purchased F-16s from the United States circled and bombed the nuclear plant in the heart of Baghdad, Iraq during the midday lunch hours, when the guards were caught napping. Before Sadam Hussain's soldiers could scramble their Anti-Aircraft guns, the Israeli fighter planes were already out of Iraq's Airspace. 

Iran was very happy for what Israel did to Iraq as Iran and Iraq were in the middle of a war those days. United States was a friend of both Iraq and Israel those days, but an enemy of Iran. However Israel's action supported by America benefited Iran which both nations were well aware of. International relationship, especially in the Middle East was highly complex, still is.

Alarmed by this Zia Ul Haq in 1982 sent secret emissaries to Israel to assure that Pakistan's nuclear program was directed at its arch rival India, not against Zionist forces. As Pakistan had no formal ties with Israel its secret emissaries met their Israeli counterparts in Jordan or Egypt and they struck a deal.

In the same book it was mentioned that towards end of 1980s, Mossad was simultaneously training personnels from India's secret service RAW and LTTE who were fighting for the minority Tamil  rights in Sri Lanka. At that time India's peace keeping force (IPKF) was involved in Sri Lanka, fighting against LTTE. Israel was aware of this and made sure RAW and LTTE trainees didn't bump into each other. The RAW officers were awestruck by the fitness and professionalism of the female trainers from Mossad who were one step ahead from their male trainees - starting from hand to hand combats to their marksmanship. 

My friend Gyan Sharma Jee mentioned that Azerbaijan recently used Israeli weapons on its arch rival Armenia to win a victory. Azerbaijan is an Islamic nation and the whole thing was pushed under the carpet. Our pro Israeli Bhakts who are also fans of Republican Party in America should also note that in 1987 when Ronald Reagan, a Republican was the President, US sold weapons to Iran and used that money to fund the Contra Guerillas. At that time, Iran and US were sworn enemies. The Reagan administration had a lot of explaining to do, but such secret deal making with hostile enemies happens time to time.

In international realpolitik no one is untouchable as far as preservation of one's national interest goes. What Israel is doing now is to protect its territorial interest. DUSHMAN KA DUSHMAN DOST HOTA HAI - an enemy's enemy is a friend. Saudi Arabia is soft on Israel as the later takes care of Hezbollah, an anti Israeli terror outfit funded by Iran. This adds to the complexity of the region.

Middle East is murky and extremely complicated. I doubt Israel would reciprocate a fraction of our camaderie as India interest is least of its concern now. The Middle East crisis is not going to be solved during our lifetime. The likes of Hezbollah, Hamas will attack again and Israeli forces will retaliate. This endless cycles of attacks and revenges will continue. It should not be viewed in a simplistic, religious way - like a discussion at GULLI KHATTI (Light hearted chats a Gully joints). No need to feel as the ABDULLAH in BEGAANI SHAADI MEIN ABDULLAH DIWANA (No need to dance in someone else's marriage party).

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