Saturday, July 25, 2020

Why America and India failed to control Coronavirus

After a brief lull in late spring when it seemed that the Coronavirus is on wane in America due to a bit flattening of the curve, I thought we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I was wrong. The virus is back again as summer rolls on. Here is my analysis of why America is failing to control the spread of COVID-19 and what went wrong. There could have been an either/or approach to this crisis. Let's take a look at both.

First the "Either" approach - live life the normal way, of course take all the perfunctory precautions like maintain social distancing, wear masks and frequent hand washings. Let the virus wash over the entire nation's population and let America get the herd immunity. I wouldn't prefer it, but it's better than the present confused and chaotic approach, especially leadership missing at the top where buck finally stops - the doorsteps of the President of the United States who still lives in his delusional denial. 

The "Or" approach - Do a complete shutdown. Strictly implement the social distancing. Shut down all the beaches, businesses, spas, saloons, bars, restaurants, gyms et all with only the essential services and stores remain open. Religiously impose the restrictions to isolate and stop the spread of the virus. If we had done this starting in February, we won't be here today. But Mr. Trump at the helm of affairs with tons of foresight predicted that come summer, the virus will miraculously vanish. We are already in summer, the virus is very much alive and kicking.

China took extraordinary measures and was mostly successful in containing it. Many attribute this to their dictatorship. They can ruthlessly impose their agenda. Yet democracies like European countries, Japan, South Korea have done well on the Coronavirus front. 

But why we are where we are today ? Because we followed a mixed approach with mixed messages - one from the Federal government, one from the State Governor, another from the local Mayor of the city. When the Mayor of Atlanta wants to mandate wearing of masks, the Georgia governor sues her decision. This is best example of the Divided States of America. 

We (both US and India) a free country, but that doesn't mean we are free to spread the virus rather than containing it during this pandemic time. It is akin to the mixed economy approach India followed, a bit of socialism and a bit of (crony) capitalism - both failed, contributing to Red Tapism and a classic Hindu growth rate.

Both countries, the world's oldest democracy and the largest democracy are facing turbulent times due to this dilemma of dual approach. It needs to be noted that incidentally both US and India (Brazil is another one) are currently under Right Wing administration who respect Quackery more than Science and spectacularly failed to control the virus. These countries are now the top 3 nations in the world with COVID-19 infections. So much ado and hot air of the Right wingers being efficient rulers ! It yet vindicates that the Right Wingers are good at rhetorics and bad at administration.

Now that the cat is already out of the bag, COVID-19 is unstoppable. This menace will continue to grow unless until an effective vaccine is developed. Till then folks, tighten the belts and bear the ride.

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