Sunday, July 12, 2020

My morning walk this morning

It's time for taking morning walks in the morning as the days are getting hotter with the high temperature reaching 95 (36°C), making the early hours of the day is the best time to get outdoor. Being an early riser, I have done my best to take take advantage of the cool, salubrious weather barely after sunrise.

I take no cell phone or any music listening gadget with me to distract me from listening to nature's music. What can ever beat the music of the nature ! No sooner I stepped out of my home, than the twiiting of birds on a little nest outside my garage sounded rhythmically melodious. Compar to the little birdie's tweets, Mr. Trump's tweet makes him look like an idiot.

Only humans I came across were a couple walking their doggie, keeping a social safe distance from me. We waved "Good Morning" to each other. Golden rays of cool, morning sun sprinkled tons of Vitamin D from top. Nature's Vitamin  beats any Vitamin D from the branded multivitamin pills we get over the counter. I let my body get soaked with it to the fullest.

Suddenly a black cat crossed the road in front of me. I looked around, making sure no one is looking at me, turned back a couple of steps, then trudged ahead. It was my reflex action, as cat crossing the road is considered inauspicious in my culture. Backing up a bit supposedly gets rid of the evil eyes. I love cats. But can't fight superstitions. Cat has nine lives, I have only one.

While mowing lawn, doing yard work or walking, I am perpetually in the lookout for self motivation, imagining my artery as a clogged drain. As I huff and puff ahead, I fantasized my artery getting flushed by a burst of blood rushing through it and clearing it, the same way gushing storm water would clear a clogged drain. A la our Prime Minister Modi's much touted SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN (Clean India Mission), I am on SWACHH DHAMANI ABHIYAN (Clean Artery mission) of my own. 

Saw the gentle waves of the morning breeze fluttering the Pines, Oak, Sweet Gum and Mimosa trees, their freshly washed green leaves from the recent rains now getting sunbathed and looking golden bluish, overlooking the fair skies. Loved watching the bees humming and chasing each other, whizzing past flowers sucking nectar, pollinating plants. Two squirrels kept chasing and outrunning one another. Chirping little birds crisscross the sky as an array of Pelicans passed by, cawing PAON PAON. Far above in the sky two commercial jet liners crossed over, painting a thick white strip tailgating them, forming a gargantuan X sign on the sky.

Nothing beats the pleasure of getting closer to Nature. As the soothing breeze caressed me, bringing a lung full of fresh air, I found my memory tracing me back to this song from movie EK BAAR PHIR (1981) and murmuring..


The flora, these leaves
These flowers, the air.
It steals my heart, tempts me
My heart tells me to sway and sing.

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