Monday, September 23, 2019

The myth of Modi helping Trump win 2020 election

There are stories abound on Indian media - social or otherwise that Modi's address in Houston will help Trump win the 2020 Elections. I don't think it will make much of a difference, if so it will be at best marginal. 

Either way, it is not very wise for a foreign head of state to appear taking sides in an American election. What if Trump loses his reelection bid in 2020 ! Modi would still be in power and has to deal with a new Democrat President with the perception of the Modi almost all out campaigning for his opponent. Though Americans are known to follow pragmatic, self centered foreign policy, the perceived overt endorsement is unwarranted.

Here is why Modi's indirect endorsement of Trump for a second term wont help much electorally. Let's do some reality check and please do your Math. The number of folks of Indian origin in US is 4.4 million (1.5% of the total population). Out of them, American Citizens of Indian origin would be less than 3 million as there are lot of Indian diaspora on Green card, other work related visa who cannot vote in the US Elections. That makes them about 1% of the Registered voters.

For those who are eligible to vote, Indian Americans vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic party, including myself. I am not going to vote for Trump in 2020. Period. Nearly 80% of Indian Americans voted for Hillary last time. That's a gargantuan gap there. Don't think there will be a sea change to that number as I know several folks who support Modi, yet won't vote for Trump.

Simply take a look at the demography. Among the Indians in the United States 51% are Hindus, 19% Christians, 11% Muslims, 5% Sikhs and 10% unaffiliated to any religion. So forget any support for Modi from the Muslim and Christians amongst the Indian Americans, forming a good chunk of 30%. I have interacted with a few from those communities and the name Modi is anathema to them. 

Hindus and Sikhs are the only ones who are likely to be swayed by Modi. But still a large swathe of them who are settled here for a long time have Democratic roots, voting on local issues, especially those 2nd generation Indian Americans. Forget being a Modi supporter, they hardly relate to Modi or India per se.

The bulk of the Indian Americans live in the states of California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Texas. Out of these the first four are solidly Democrat and Texas solidly Republican. The Indian American vote in these states won't make any difference in the outcome. 

The way it works in the Electoral College based American Election, it is winner take all. If a party wins a state by 1 vote it pockets all its electoral College seats. If Republican party wins Texas by 1 vote, Trump takes all the 38 Electoral College. It is same as BJD taking 21 seats even if it defeats BJP by 1 vote in Odisha, assuming each Lok Sabha seat in Odisha represents an Electoral College. All these states I mentioned where majority of Indians live aren't even competitive. Modi's support for Trump will not make a dent there.

Hence the fact Modi can swing a lot of Indian votes in American election is an over exaggeration. A few cult followers may change their mind, but not a whole lot, which is required to tilt the balance in favor of Trump or his Republican party. No harm in Trump trying to change the equation, so good luck to him.

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