Monday, September 2, 2019

Pyramidnanda and Kanthananda

An extremely well read and erudite friend of mine recently wondered how 2-3 ton single piece of iron billets of Konark were built and kept in balance when no integrated steel plant existed anywhere on earth 800 years back ! How such billets have withstood the hostile corrosive saline seashore atmosphere ? 

A pertinent question indeed. The answer is simple. It has been proved and traced to Swami Pathurananda who lived in his Ashram near Chandrabhaga. His DIBYA DRUSTI (celestial vision) caused levitation and did the balancing act causing the beams to stay together. Till date his Dibyadrusti still continues doing the balancing act.

Hundreds of years before Jesus Christ was born, Swami Paridananda went to Egypt and gave the design of Pyramids to Egyptians. It's not Egyptians, its us who actually built the Pyramids, considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Egyptians just supplied labors. But they named the structure as Pyramid after Sri Sri Paridananda.

But the cunning Chinese were not so benevolent. In 7th century BC, Sage Kanthaswamy went to China and offered his Wall (means Kantha in Odia) building technology to the Chinese emperor who constructed the Great Wall of China but never gave us any credit. The Great Wall of China is renowned as another seven wonder of the world. It is the only man made structure visible from the surface of moon. Poor Sage Kanthaswamy.

A note of Caution - If you don't believe this and counter with logic and sanity it will be considered as an act of sacrilege, treachery and lack of patriotism. You better start preparation for relocating to Pakistan at the earliest.

Disclaimer - I have concluded this based upon my outstanding knowledge of History via Google and Facebook links, so any kind of link to the rise of BJP to power and my belief is purely coincidental. On the contrary, BJP got leaders with sensible brains to counter my insanity. God bless me.

1 comment:

  1. I checked with someone who said the long billets were made of small pieces. First pieces were made then joined.

    Iron and its making technology is there since iron age. People have been using to make swords, knifes, blades (khura) for shaving.

    Knowledge comes as per the social and civilizational need. Not special to any people. One invents by chance then it propagates to other places. Pyramid, Great Wall, Machu Pichu are examples.

    In Quran there is mention of molten iron where a learned and strong man asks people of a region to bring him molten iron so that he can build a barrier to protect those people
