Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Aftermath of Fani - Tomorrow is another day

GONE WITH THE WIND - Is what comes to my mind after looking at the destruction caused by Cyclone Fani. Ironically the movie ends with Vivien Leigh's last line - After All Tomorrow is another day.

It proved so prophetic in Odisha the day after the Cyclone Fani hit portions of its coast as a disastrous Category 4 storm the likes of which many hadn't seen in their lifetime. Government of Odisha did manage to do a decent job in evacuating a million plus people. It celebrated this event a tard early with some self patting using a pliant media and savant lackeys. 

As the State Government took pride in articles published in The New York Times and praiseworthy report on United Nations just for its evacuation efforts, the stark ground reality was soon to hit them with the same ferocity as the catastrophic storm.

Exactly at that time the government's efforts were found to be tardy and left a lot to desire. The reaction time is the most essential element in any relief and rescue operation. While the government basked in a vainglorious pride for 48 hours, the reality struck them as news started filtering in from not only from the capital Bhubaneswar, also the remote areas and the famous temple town of Puri with stories of widespread damages of unimaginable proportion. 

As lull after the storm set in, the evacuated folks came back to their ruined homes only to find their abodes completely wiped off, trees uprooted and nearly all Coconut trees gone or standing short with their heads chopped off. Their source of livelihood, livestocks of cows, goats, chickens - almost all gone. Our ancestral home in a village near Puri bore the brunt of storm's ferocity. It didn't escape from nature's fury, the front and back portion of the house being completely decimated.

The government by its most parts was found napping, running like a headless chicken - unable to comprehend and still grappling with the gargantuan amount of destruction. It's response was pathetically slow footed, not to mention being inept with accompanied reports of corruption (there has been stories of bribes sought to prioritize restoration of services). Death toll as of now is slowly inching towards 50, as news from the remote areas started to trickle in.

The NGOs and private parties have been doing a commendable job. Full marks to them and the Electricians who are working under a scorching May sun overhead showering 40° Centigrade (104 Fahrenheit) with added humidity making it a dangerous heat index of 115. There has been confirmed reports of Drinking water and food supplies been erratic, leading to chaos and forcing people to resort to attacking and stealing from the relief vans. 

We have a saying in Sanskrit that BUBHUKHITAM KIM NAKAROTI PAPAM (Why a hungry mouth will not commit a crime). In the 1970s an Airliner carrying the Uruguay Rugby team crash landed on the Andes mountains. Without food for many days some players turned into cannibals, did not think twice before eating the flesh of their deceased mates.

In 18th century India the Marathas were getting ready to fight the British Army. But they delayed their attack due to a silly reason i.e. the chief astrologer of the Maratha King advised him to wait for a few more days for the auspicious moment to arrive before launching the assault. The British who didn't consult any astrologer surrounded the Fort of their adversary. The Marathas running short of food had to resort to killing their war horses and eating them. So we can't blame the poor people for attacking and stealing the Relief.

Too much focus on the post Fani destructions by the media - social or otherwise, on Bhubaneswar. The rest impacted areas come a distant second. This didn't come as a surprise. Many MLAs from the rest of Odisha who arrive in the Capital city invariably settle down there. They start neglecting their own constituents, rarely visiting them during their time of tragedies. Bhubaneswar is New York for them. They have no qualms when theiir Big Apple, rather the Apple of their eye needs get an overwhelmingly preferential treatment compared to the lesser humans in remote places.

The day Fani decided to arrive was an auspicious day for marriages. Brahmin marriages are held during the day time in Odisha. As wind speed reached its peak post noon, the bride at a relative's wedding came out of his car. The astounded onlookers saw the powerful gusts from Fani disrobed him as his DHOTI (Loincloth wrapped around waist) came off and flew away. The poor guy in a reflex action bended to wrap around his upper section of clothings to cover himself up to save from embarrassment as others forced him back into his car frantically looking around for Dhoti. The marriage ceremony proceeded without any fanfare with minimal rituals.

For many, Cyclone Fani has set their priorities in correct order. The lack of basic amenites and loss of life & property has put them back to their basics, pushing politics at the height of the national Election Campaign to the back burner. The incumbent party must be relieved that the Cyclone came after the election process was completed in the state. Otherwise, the goodwill of the people for the current government would have swept with Fani - the ruling party being wiped off from the map of coastal Odisha.

We just don't know what's in store for tomorrow. Though some semblance of nmstability has returned to the state Capital Bhubaneswar, lot yet needs to be done in Puri and rest of the impacted areas which may not see electricity restored in weeks, may take months to achieve normalcy. A la the last line of the famous movie "Gone With the Wind" - After All Tomorrow is another day.

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