Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Facebook like button

 The LIKE button on Facebook is so handy. it can be any of the following.

An acknowledgement to some one's response to your post or response.
A thank you note.
A "you are welcome" to "thank you".
"I actually read".
"Don't cares, but it could be good due to the reputation of the person. Like it anyway".
"I didn't read, but liked it as I don't want to dishearten or piss you off"
And of course I really Like.

Been there, done all the above. It is important to note that more than anything else it is the Like button which keeps facebook going. Frankly, I love all the likes I get on my posts though I don't dwell a whole lot on them. Some of my decent writings hardly get any likes, but most of my junks do. Often I get fodder for my blogs while sitting on the toilet seat, that's why I write so much shit.

Facebook "Likes" have become similar to the usage of the word "Great" in US. Americans make a lot of fuss about small stuff. Any small stuff can be branded as great - Great day, Great food, Great sight and so on, which all may not be so great at all. As anything called great in US, any dumb and dumber post can be liked on Facebook. 

Interestingly, Facebook considered Star (*), Plus (+) signs of before they settled for their iconic Blue "thumbs up" as their "Like" symbol. They have stuck to it as it has created wonders for them. They haven't looked back ever since.

Wish there was a "Dislike" button, with the Thumb replaced by Middle finger. But Facebook is prudent enough to avoid any negative imagery. Another pragmatism is not to notify if you unfriend or block someone or exit from a group. However, it never fails to alert you in case some accepts your friend request and vice versa.

Facebook is smart and charming, same as its 33 year old young founder Zuckerberg who seduced his way to hoodwink the Congressmen (women) who were out to grill and make a mince meat. Kudos the Marc Z who has come up with this super idea. I (really) LIKE him. 

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