Saturday, April 7, 2018

Rotary and the Lions Club

During our growing up days in Odisha there was a charity oriented entity called Rotary Club. More of a conglomerate of the elitist of the time, it had less to do with social work, more to do with photo ups and cultivating networks. Lions Club was another such den of deal makers and favor seekers in the guise of social service.

Social networking was not always the soul attraction to seek a coveted membership, especially for the youngsters. A friend of mine in college was frank enough to admit his desire to join the local edition of Lions club - SETHI TOKI MILIBE LINE MARIBAKU, MU SAMASTA KU PATEIBI (I will have a fair chance of meeting some fair sex, will capture their hearts. Toki in Odia slang depicts a nubile girl and Line mariba is another slang for lasciviously chasing them). 

I loved his frankness and lack of hypocrisy in spelling out his priorities. Not sure how far he succeeded in his mission, he ended of taking a few pictures of Who's and Who's of the city and boasting about baking breads with them. On the TOKI front, his nascent attempt ended up being threatened to be thrashed by one the girl's brother.

Rarely those working for Rotary or Lion's Club rarely extend their service beyond the comforts of the state capital, except some perfunctory eye camps, blood donationcamps in the peripheral vicinity. Their mostly salliow service stands in contrast with the Christian missionaries who were doing a commendable role in the remote districts of Odisha.

Most of those district were inaccessible, evenly infested with Maoists and Mosquitoes who can lift you for miles. The administration was (is today too) virtually non existence. Only folks who tread inside and tend to the tribals were Missionaries. Though with an intent to convert, they provided them with food, shelter, education and healthcare - where our inefficient and corrupt government who is supposed to do all these, fails spectacularly to provide the basic governance.

Bottomline - clubbing these Clubs to the Christian charities is at best fallacious, as rather than giving the missionaries a run for money, these Clubs make a poor caricature of themselves. Their counterparts have done enough charitable work to earn the respect of the locals, which their dictrators grudgingly admit. 

On the other hand, the Rotary and Lion folks take rotations in between organizing Eye and Blood camps, rarely walk the extra yards venturing above and beyond their comfort zone. Respect needs to be commandeded, can never be thrust upon. Photo ups, networking with BADA BADIAs (big shots) can only take you so far, but keeps one a long way from commanding kudos.

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