Saturday, August 5, 2017

Please don't add me to Doctor's group on Facebook

It wasn't a dream, a reality. This morning I woke to find myself added to a Doctor's Forum on Facebook. I promptly exited out of the venerable league of distinguished gentlemen (and women) as I simply don't belong there.

I have many great Doc friends who treat humans and are wonderful human beings. I do have a deep respect for their profession, which I consider very noble and honorable. It can be very stressful too, where unlike my area of work failure is not an option. 

I can write a bad code or do a bad design but end of the day can recuperate. But a doctor or a surgeon can't afford to prescribe a wrong medicine or do a sloppy surgery where human lives are at stake. It could lead to liability issues, even loss of job and/or license - at least in United State of America.

Yet my message to whoever added me there - I am not a Doc and never aspired to be one. So adding me to a Doctor's group on social media does not make sense. It will just make me stand out as the odd man out as I simply don't belong there. 

Since my childhood I abhored the sight of blood, gut and gore. The thought of dissecting dead bodies brings puke to my mouth. A recurring nightmare often hunts me - I am dissecting a corpse when it wakes up and starts staring at me smiling, startling me to core. I turn around and in the process my white apron gets stuck to the tin made hospital cot, as the dead body grapples me from behind. I wake up sweating. 

Often in an extended version of the same dream I manage to escape from the embracing clutches of the corpse, only to be chased by him as strive to run him out on a long, semi-lit hallway. I look behind as the fast approaching dead man walking catches up as my static run falters. I again manage to gasp myself out to the safety zone by waking up and walking out of my pulsating and palpitating nightmare.

That's when I decided I could never be a doctor and opted out of studying Biology during my higher secondary education, taking the first step not to study Medicine. It was a step in the right direction which saved me from real life nightmares. I have no qualms about it.
So, please spare me by not adding me to a Doctors forum. Adding me to this august group in this month of August will only further accentuate my nightmare and misery. 

Reminds me of the infamous episode of NILA BARNA SHRUGALA (the Blue colored Jackal) from the popular Odia folklore, where the wily animal coated himself with blue color to distinguish from his brethren is finally caught and gets his ass kicked. Similarly, by wearing a White Coat or entering into a Doctor's Facebook forum doesn't make me a doctor. 

I have garnered a little knowledge on medical stuff via Google and WebMd. But as we know - "Little knowledge can be a dangerous thing". One fine morning this fake white coat wearing Doc might get caught as the ill fated blue coat wearing jackal and get kicked out of the group. Hence let me better preempt it by kicking myself out of the group beforehand.

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