Sunday, January 29, 2017

Trimps ban on Immigrants from Islamic countries - A country by country Analysis

If we analyze Trump's Immigration ban on Muslim countries on Individual Basis, there is lot more than we can see now at micro level. Here you go....

The Unaffected Nations : 

INDIA and INDONESIA : Two nations with the largest Muslim populations but negligible terror provider are Unaffected.

EGYPT - Mohammed Atta, the person who orchestrated 9/11 attack was from Egypt. But its military is known to treat their fundamentalists well. ( When Ahmed Al Zawahari, the current leader of Al Qaida was inside an Egyptian jail, his both hands were fed to rabid Dogs to chew and play on them). Besides that, Egypt is a good ally of Israel, the blue eyed boy America.

JORDAN, KUWAIT, QATAR, UAE and OMAN - Valuable allies of USA with way too much business and strategic interest are left untouched.

The Semi Affected Countries, with more stringent vetting process :

SAUDI ARABIA - A major exporter of terrorism but American Business interests with them won't make them go too far with a blanket ban.

PAKISTAN - Another breeding ground of Islamic terrorism. Being a non NATO ally it escaped with vetting process for now. It may not last long once the Americans are out of Afghanistan

AFGHANISTAN - Americans are still there with military base and personnels. Vetting process will continue, but its longevity isn't guaranteed.

The impacted Ones :

IRAQ and SYRIA - Both are part of the acronym ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Need I say more ?

IRAN - No surprise here. The State is already officially a Terrorist state declared by United States for long time. Both countries have no overt diplomatic relationship, no embassies in each other nation, not to mention the Shia majority nation is a scourge to Israel. Easy pick by

LIBYA - Another easy pick as post Gaddafi (add it to the list of another American screw up after Iraq) it is a major breeding ground of terror.

SOMALIA and YEMEN - The easiest of the picks. Both are poorest of the poor nations with no business or interest utility for Uncle Sam, also sanctuary of terror elements. No one drops a shed of tear or cares about these impoverished nations, especially Yemen which is currently a proxy war zone between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

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