Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Sick Hillary out of Campaign as her numbers drop

Hillary's current sickness seems to have taken a toll, as per latest CNN-ORC Poll, Trump has taken a 5 point lead over her in the crucial swing states of Florida and Ohio. Her Campaign has pressed the panic button by releasing her medical records.

As she is indisposed until Thursday, Obama has temporarily taken over the
baton from her. Campaigning yesterday he looked so Presidential, way way ahead of the current candidate duo of the Dumb and the Dumber. Obama was seen smiling, basking in glory due on the aftermath of his 58% approval ratings, only matched by Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton during their 2nd term.

Can't be more appropriate as only 50% of Americans trust Donald Trump, versus still lesser 35% only trust Hillary. In our Engineering College 35% was the score needes to pass an exam. It means Hillary is on the threshold of getting a "F" in trustability.

In that context, her recent passing out in New York which she attributes to Pneumonia is important. In reality, she won't loose a single vote if she is suffering from a temporary bout of Allergy (her constant coughing during campaigning last week) or Pneumonia, if she is speaking the truth.

But politics is a matter of perception. It's not what you really are, it's what the people perceive who you really are (This applies in the real life too). It could fit into the narrative that Hillary is hiding something.

In 1984 when Ronald Reagan at 74 was running for his 2nd term, during his famous debate with his younger opponent Walter Mondale he was asked a question by the panel "You are rumored to fall asleep during meetings, are you not too old to run for office of the President of US?" Reagan, the master communicator artfully dodged the question by responding "I am not going to use the youth and inexperience of my opponent for political purposes".

But Hillary is no Reagan. It could very well hurt her ratings of truthfulness and trustability and it seems so, per her latest slide in the polls. Republicans will do everything to pin her on her heath. So game on folks, as the race for White House is swinging like pendulum.

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