Saturday, November 21, 2015

Will the French Carnage unite all against ISIS

In the aftermath of the Paris Carnage, an interesting act by its chief architect ISIS went mostly unnoticed, i.e, the beheading of a Chinese man by these fanatics.
China has its own share of Islamic extremism in its Xin Xiang province. They torture and humiliate the Muslim majority in that province, by forcing them to eat during the day in Ramzan, chopping off their beard. So ISIS reciprocated by chopping off a Chinese head.
So far, hardened Islamic nations Saudi Arabia and Iran never protested the Chinese humiliating their Muslim brethren. (It's another matter their vassal state Pakistan's conspicuous silence was hardly surprising). China won't meddle in something which doesn't impact it directly. It doesn't mind the so called good terrorists from Pakistan keep both of their rival India busy. At the same time it expects it's vassal state Pakistan to control the influx of terrorists to its Xin Xiang province. Now that ISIS has beheaded a Chinese guy, hope they will understand it.
Will the French Carnage unite all against ISIS ? I doubt it. US, Russia and China are at crossroads in their middle east policy. US doesn't want to alienate it's Sunni allies, some of whom covertly support ISIS. Being overtly going against it would send a wrong message, of America been seen as anti-Sunni and pro-Shia  (some already see it that way after the Iran Nuclear deal ).
Why Russia all of sudden discovered the vices of ISIS ? It wants to divert the attention of its population going throgh -4% of GDG growth due to Western (note America led) sanction and falling oil prices. Any rise in oil price helps Putin, who is now synonymous with Russia. Moreover, he wants to keep his allies, Assad and Iran happy.
Such double standard and selective approach towards terrorism won't work and will have only limited success. So keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best.

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