Thursday, November 12, 2015

Shakuni, Karna and Innternational Relationship

I was watching a TV serial KARNA, based on the life of the famous mythological character from MAHABHARAT - the powerful, generous but illegitimate son of SURYA (Sun). In a scene, the wily Shakuni, maternal Uncle of the ambitious Prince Duryodhan plots the death of their adversary Pandavas, by burning their inflammable palace.

When Duryodhan is about the divulge the plans to his buddy Karna, Shakuni dissuades him "There is no question of Karna's dedication towards you, my dear nephew Duryodhan. But he is just a pawn, part of the larger game towards your goal of your Kingship. It will be not be necessarily wise to divulge all our plans to him. But, keep your friendship alive, as he is our invaluable asset to take on Arjuna, but disclose stuff to him as and only necessary."

I want to drive an analogy here, especially to those Commies and sympathizers of Soviet Russia who claim that, the then USSR, at the height of Cold War, was a true, indomitable buddy  of India. Russia was supposedly our friend in need, so a friend indeed.

There is no permanent friends and enemies in international relationship, only permanent interest. So my dear commies, India was just a pawn in the larger game supremacy between the two superpowers. India fitted Soviet Union's bill, so it was backing India for its own FAIDA (benefit). Now, Russia is talking about selling arms to our bette noire Pakis, so much of true friendship. Shakuni, the shrewd strategist was way ahead of time. 

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