Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Importance of Vacation

It has been reported that Joe Biden is pondering over a run for Presidency during his ungoing vacation. Obama religiously takes his year end vacation in sunny, warm Hawaai to escape from the cold winter and the heat from the Washington politics. American Presidents often take their vacations with much publicized fanfare. Clinton took numerous golfing trips during vacations. George Bush used to take long vacations in his Texas ranch, often with his bearded black dog trolling by his side.
Everyone looks forward to vacation too, in arguably the most capitalistic nation in the world, where most get at most 2 weeks of paid vacation in a year. American labor laws heavily favors the employer, who is not legally bound to give paid vacation to the employees. Paid Vacation is akin to a to MEHRBAANI ( a discretionary gift) from the employer to the employee. Though the  Maternity Leave is mandated for 3 months, it's still UNPAID. So the much awaited vacation is cherished, with the intention of having ultimate fun to recharge the batteries. It is not unusual to see folks who just returned from vacation, showing signs of vacation hangover at work.

The Vacation homes, whether on beach fronts or deserted Mountain tops sell like hot cakes. The concept of vacation implies going to a place away from home. So Americans find it strange that we go home on vacation. Nevertheless, it is the way it. Just the perception varies. Most take vacations during the summer school holidays for the kids and during the Thanksgiving and Christmas time. Many club their vacation with the major Holidays like Independence Day and Christmas to make the best out of it.

If the holiday on a specific date, e.g., 4th of July or 25th of December happen to be on a weekend, the next Monday is given as a holiday. Many friends back home complained that this year 15ht of August came on a Saturday, so they lost a holiday. Why don't they just amend the rules, to grant the same Holiday on a Monday instead in such cases. Haven't heard of anyone who doesn't take a vacation, only exception perhaps would be India's PM Narendra Modi.

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