Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Toyota's malfunction and Maggie's Lead

A few years back certain Toyota vehicles in America had sudden acceleration malfunctions resulting in deaths. Millions were recalled. The Toyota chief, Akio Toyoda flew half the world from Japan to be verbally VALATKAARed (raped) by the Congress hearing committee. All the members took their turns, until they were exhausted as Mr. Toyoda apologized profusely, taking full responsibility. His face shown widely on TV bore the testimony of it. Apparently not enjoying the ordeal, he had to bear this ignominy, for he didn't want to lose his share of pie in the highly competitive car buyer's market in America.
I think it's time this " Maggie" incident LEADS to similar accountability system in India, where the CEO of Nestlé is grilled and simmered like its in(famous) product in front of a Parliamentary Committee. The Nestlé' s CEO may not be on the same boat as Akio Toyoda. Yet bringing him to his knees will send a strong message to the perpetrators, keeping them on their toe. Justice, Equality and Accountability for any wrong doing, should be the hallmark of a democracy.

Ideally, Consumer should be the King and Customer the God in a free market governed society.  But unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world. India is long trending towards free market economy. Gone are the days of "take it or leave it consumerism" as the Indians have an array of choice these days, so it's time to strike when the iron is hot. Delaying will make the iron cool down and hard to bend. As the media shifts its focus to something a la "Salman Khan's wedding", Maggie will be back in business.

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