Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The needless call for resignation

Back home, clamors abound for resignation of Arun Jaitley and Vasundhara Raje, for their alleged link to Lalit Modi. I am no card holding member of BJP, but unless the lady and the gentleman have committed some heinous anti-national act, the call for their resignations is absolutely unwarranted.

On the aftermath of 9/11 not a single Democrat asked for the resignation of the then President George W Bush. Al Gore, who less than a year before that incident fought a mess electoral battle with his opponent, came out fully supporting him "Bush is my Commander-in-chief, I support him". The state of Missouri, a strong Republican state, had a Democrat Governor during an alleged racial killing last year. Didn't  hear from a single Republican demanding his immediate resignation. Most recently, after the racial shooting in South Carolina, I have not heard any demand for resignation of the state's Republican Governor of Indian origin.

Not that as if a NETA's (so called leader) heart gets a concience attack and resigns upon hearing the demand from the opposition. In a civilized, responsible  and non-chaotic democracy, there should not be any call for resignation for that matter, small or big. Rarely any resignation ever has served any purpose or solved any crisis. Rather its often comes with additional baggages of problems anew, more of a distraction from the real issue.

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