Thursday, February 6, 2025

Illegal immigrants dream turns nightmare

 A Bhakt's midwinter day dream. Mahaprabhu Modi calls his Fraand Dolaand and gives him a mouthful of BCMC "Gaali" (rebuke) for sending illegal immigrants handcuffed in a military plane to India. Fraand Dolaand trembled like a building in the middle of a Ritcher scale 7.0 earthquake and shat in his pants. He then assured our "Viswaguru" not only to stop further sending illegal immigrant back to India, bring back those already sent by sending them a one way Business Class ticket to the United States and a Green Card at the port of entry as compensation. 

Alas, non of these actually happened ! "KAANCH KI KHWAB HAI, PALKON MEIN TOOT JAYENGE (Dreams are made of glass, they shatter at twinkle of eye). Now dream shattered, here is some reality check as the American dream of many undocumented immigrants has turned into nightmare. India's Honorable External Affairs minister Sri Jaishankar has nodded his approval by saying that the illegal immigrants deported in handcuffs is part of America's SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). From Mahaprabhu's cabinet, I am sure Dr. Jaishankar is speaking his behalf as forget giving such a statement on his own, he can't even visit toilet without Mahaprabhu's permission. 

Also as confirmed by a friend who works in the medical field, many of these illegal immigrants have AIDS as they bed cheap prostitutes to fulfil their biological needs. It is quite understandable as they lead a lonely life, away from their land and wives, ever ready to fulfill their sexual desire when they get a chance. So it becomes imperative for Government of India to do STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease) and AIDS test on these returning individuals lest they don't pass it on to their wives and/or girlfriends. 

I am reminded of one certain individual of Indian origin who once boasted that before he dies he will screw all the pretty girls of the city. Not sure how far he succeeded in achieving his ambition, he certainly has earned a FRCS (F*ck*ing Round County Side) degree. When someone brought his sexual escapades to my attention, I threw my unsolicited advice for the females he beds to do a STD and AIDS test at the earliest. Folks listening to me had a good laugh. 

The same is applicable to the Returning Illegal immigrants. Sorry if I sound cruel and lacking empathy, what's illegal is illegal. Period. You enter a country as illegal, take advantage of their system, be a burden to the honest tax payers, you need to be penalized, not rewarded. In many countries reward comes in form of death penalty award for the illegal immigrants. In USA, at least you are transported on an Aircraft which costs no less than $4,500 a person, the cost of a normal Business Class return trip fare from USA to India. It's a fare deal folks, whether you arrive handcuffed or otherwise.

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