Monday, June 6, 2022

Day VII in Bhubaneswar - India trip 2022

Mangoo vs Mongoose. This morning I saw an interesting encounter between Mangoo, our tenant's pet cat and a local Mongoose. The cat was perched on a low height wall overlooking the street across our house. He could sense something around and became alert lifting its tails. Suddenly from nowhere came a brown mongoose. The cat jumped off the walls and ran to the safety of our home. The Mongoose has a AHI NAKULA SAMPARKA (Snake and Mongoose relationship), so it's enemical only to the presence of snakes, its sworn enemy. It was hardly perturbed by a kitty cat and vanished fast behind bushes. My mother said it's going to be a good day for me as seeing mongoose is being considered to be auspicious here.

I see an analogy between the untimely death of popular Bollywood singer KK and the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. There were two causes behind the Mutiny against the British. First, there was a long term pent up anger against the British East India Company's 100 year rule. Second and immediate cause was Mangal Pandey firing the first bullet of mutiny, killing an English Army Officer and triggering what we call the first war of India's independence.

Similarly, the first reason behind KK's heart attack is the long term blockage of his arteries, symptoms of which were ignored. Second and the immediate cause could be the stress and high BP associated on stage during his concerts which triggered the heart attack.

Many celebrity artists die young. It is said that "Gandharvas" (celestial beings from Hindu mythology who are singers and dancers) are born as super talented artists who die young after leaving their indelible mark. KK was the latest to join the bandwagon. The other KK was our eccentric genius Kishore Kumar who also died of sudden heart attack when he was only in his 50s.

"Are you here with your Missus and family ?", is a question I am commonly asked. People here are bit shy of using the word "wife". The word Missus is widely prevalent and the preferred word for wife here. Me, my Missus and son have become very fond of mangoes. The three of us devoured a dozen in one seating.

There are also differences in the usage of certain words (phrases) in America and my native state of Odisha. One such word is "Nonsense". In US it means something which doesn't make sense or difficult to understand. But in Odisha saying "Nonsense" can be considered as a GAALI or rebuke, taken in a derogatory sense. Another one is the usage of the phrase "I don't care". It implies lack of inclination or disinterest or simply "it's non of my business". In Odisha saying "I don't care" can instantly brand you as a heartless person lacking empathy. Meanings can be lost in translation.

In the Webster's dictionary smart means "clever, witty, brainy" etc. In Bhubaneswar parlance a guy on a bike wearing shining shoes and chasing girls is considered a smart guy. The name "Smart city" tag given to Bhubaneswar speaks for itself.

Rains were long overdue and much needed. Around 9 PM gusty gales brought in cool air lifting the dust above the ground. It followed by heavy water droplets plattering on the tree and ground, giving way to pouring rain and thunderstorm. Loved every bit of the rain slicing through the flashing lightning and heavy thunder. It brought the temperature considerably down and the croaking sound of frogs to forefront. Big toads were seen jumping around the street and our garden through the bright zizzag light of the nature. More later...

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