Thursday, December 9, 2021

Democrats have a messaging problem

 Democrats have a problem. They need to get better at messaging. Economy is doing good. Job market is booming. Unemployment is at a record low. Wages are rising. More people are switching jobs. In such a scenario you would think the public support for the Democratic party must be growing. You are wrong. In fact it is going in the opposite direction. Even tons of free money as part of the post Covid stimulus package has done little to assuage the dour mood against the Democrats.

First of all Democratic party should shed its image of the party of the elite and their snobbish attitude towards the non College graduates. Hillary Clinton lost because she branded them as a bunch of deplorable. You may help someone, but no one likes condescending attitude. Every body deserves respect. The city living College graduates look down upon those living in the rural area without a college degree. But a rural American has one vote same as the urban College educated voter and more numerous. 

Democrats simply cannot win with the votes of just the minorities and big city college graduates. They need to expand their base by coming back their basics - the party of American middle class and blue collar workers. The general public perceives that they Democratic party has ceased to be that and have forgotten their roots.

Republicans are smart. They have mastered the art of winning elections by staying on the course of their message. Their base is strong and committed - a la all Right wing parties across the globe. So it's high time Democrats smell the coffee and wake up rather than seen as the party of "woke". American is not a left liberal country like Europe. It's much more conservative. If Democrats don't stay in course as a Center-Right party and make the middle class feel left out then welcome a Republican in the White House in 2024 - possibly Trump.

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