Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Fake Facebook ids and how to avoid them

 Now-a-days Facebook is flooded with recent messages of stolen profiles. Many wake up one fine morning to see their doppelganger on Facebook, with same profile picture with their 32 betel stained teeth protruding out and many common friends getting a friend request from the same. Only difference - the person is their Facebook mirror image 

We Indians are great at giving unsolicited advice. So, not to fall behind I would recommend the following 5 simple procedures which will certainly reduce the threat of getting duped and duplicated, though not entirely avoid them.

1. Changing your password to a complex one with at least one capital letter, a numeric digit and a special character. For Example - BankAsahi23$.

2. Make your posts friend only, minimize Public posts.

3. Keep your profile picture friend only to be seen by your friends only.

4. Don't blindly accept friend requests from unknowns, certainly not from locked profiles.

5. Don't get tempted to accept a friend request from an unknown account with a pretty girl's profile picture on it. It could be very well a bald, pot bellied old man with white chest and breast hair sitting somewhere masquerading as a pretty woman with name of Sonia Sharma or Angel Pooja with a stolen picture.

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