Friday, September 4, 2020

Two months from US 2020 Elections

 With two months to before for America's 🇺🇸 Presidential Elections, campaigning is slowly starting to pick up. I am certain of one outcome, i.e., Biden is going to win the popular vote. But it may not be enough for him to win the White House. In US Electoral College based system, one can only become the President by winning the majority of the Electoral college votes. That is the tricky part, as one can still become the President by losing the popular vote but winning the Electoral college. In the last election Trump defeated Hillary by winning the crucial swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania though the later got three million more popular votes.

Like Trump, Richard Nixon, the American President who resigned in 1974 facing impeachment lied a lot, did fraud by abusing the power of his office and had dictatorial tendency - hence was not acceptable at that time, even in his own Republican party. But Trump indulges in all the above more than Nixon, yet he is acceptable to almost 40% of Americans. USA is looking more like a first world Bihar, where crooks are pretty much acceptable in Electoral politics.

Trumpism is still going to thrive even if Trump ends up losing his reelection. That's dangerous for America in the long term. Trump's followers, like their Right Wing counterparts across the word don't possess an open mind. They can't be persuaded with logic and reasoning. Only thing they understand is defeat and more defeats. That's the only way to contain them, though not necessarily eliminate their biased minds.

In this context, Trump's defeat is a MUST. Hopefully sanity prevails with that thin slice of independent voters in the Divided States of America who tilt the Elections one way or other. Two months down the road Trump should be shown the door, lest America is doomed.

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