Monday, August 3, 2020

3 Months to Elections 2020

Exactly 3 months from the American Presidential elections, it is time to take stock at this important political checkpoint in America. A shaky GOP (Republican party), especially its Presidential nominee Donald J Trump who looked shoo in with a steady economy during the pre COVID-19 days, now seem to be staring at defeat.

Joe Biden, the Democratic Party nominee is going to announce his VP candidate and running mate this week. But he needs to do more. Though Trump is in self destructive mode, but being simply anti Trump isn't enough. Biden must come out with an agenda of how to clean up the mess left by Trump. He has a long laundry list, so he must speak out an action plan to reassure the nation.

For a start, he should mention how his cabinet will look like. He should mention names of professionals for important positions like the Secretary of Treasury, State, Defense, Attorney General etc to steer the country in the right direction. They will be men and women of abilities, not quacks and semi literate people  whose only qualities are loyalty and absolute boot licking which is the sine qua non of Trump's Presidency.

That will be a contrast to Trump era where Quackery not Science, superstitions not rationalism are the way. These are tendencies of Fascists. Trump who idolizes Putin and sundry dictators adores all these faddism. It is said in private the Yankee Trump pokes fun of his non college educated blind supporters, but he needs their votes. Those 36% are his base will vote for him come what may - even if Trump caught raping a minor on 4th Avenue of New York city in broad daylight. But he needs more to win his reelection, so he can't even get competitive without the support of his base 

A week is a long time in politics. Three months are eons away. Trump should remember that he lost the popular vote last time to Hillary but won the elections before he won the crucial swing states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Those states don't look too good for him now. But the extremely crucial swing state of Florida is slowly slipping out of Republicans hands - partly due the rise in the COVID-19 cases in the state this summer and partly due to a nincompoop Governor of the state whose priority is buttering Donald Trump than serving his state (Georgia is not far behind, but will stick to Trump being a stubbornly Red state). If Trump loses Florida, he is toast.

Trump can still turn it around. The Republicans are masters in the art of winning elections. But time is fast  running out for Trump. A month later comes the Labor day, the harbinger of Fall season which is synonymous with the Flue season in America 🇺🇸. The concoction of COVID-19 and Flu virus is a sitting timebomb ready to explode. Add the election fever to that with a flamboyant Trump prone to histrionics on the ballot. We are going to see an eventful next 90 days in the US. Tighten your seat belts and get ready for a turbulent trip.

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