Thursday, April 23, 2020

The State of Georgia opening for Business

A few states in the  United States are all set to open up their economy from tomorrow from the clutches of the Coronavirus. Georgia, my home state is one of them. They will be opening the Hair cut saloons, Gyms from tomorrow followed by Restaurants on Monday. Not sure how can a Barber cut hair from 6 feet distance, considered safe per the guidelines of social distancing.

It has already reported on media that many VYAPAARIs or Businesses folks backed by their hypocrite Conservative allies are prodding a friendly Trump and his fellow Trumpians to prematurely open up the economy - human lives be damned. I say Trumpians because the Republican Party, a party of Abe Lincoln is long dead. It has metamorphosed itself into Trump Party.

No offense to any Businessmen or women. I have some of my close friends who are businessmen with compassionate hearts. Many of them do great service doing charity works, employing people and contributing to the economy. But there are many from their tribe who are ruthless and heartless - the Shylock types, the famous character of Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice". They value profit over anything else, including human rights and human life, caring a damn about the commoners as long as it fatten their bank balance.

It is not unusual to see such VYAPAARIs (Business folks) preferring profit over death (not their own, of course). That's why we see many of them dying to open up the economy in US when they don't risk dying. A lot of people may die due to this hasty decision. Most of them poor and elderly. All Trump with the help from his VYAPAARI cronies cares about is the Stock market numbers to go up, so that he can sell it as a success towards his reelection bid. Welcome to the United Oligarchy and Kleptocracy of America.

In order to prepare for the economy to open the VYAPAARIS along with their best salesman Donald Trump are hell bent on selling snake oil to the gullible Americans. They are already advocating the use of a Malaria medication as a magic cure for Coronavirus when the medical experts seriously the efficacy of such a drug. I am sure non of these VYAPAARIS or their buddy Conservative Republicans will administer Chloroquine doses to themselves or to their near and dear ones in case they contract this deadly COVID-19. It is for someone else to take that risk and die.

Another sales pitch for opening the economy is that many people will die due to the bad economy and joblessness caused by depression, suicides, drug and alcohol abuse etc. But don't think that will be in epidemic proportion, far less than 3000 dying every day as of today. But it has to be sold with the support of their small but vocal supporters by driving them to street, at the cost of someone else's life.

Why Right wingers believe in such quackery like efficacy of snake oil sort of unproven medicines ? Because they believe in absolute blind loyalty (BHAKTi) towards demagogues, hence prefer quackery to Science (such folks galore aplenty in India too) which their heros sell. Opening up of the economy based on quackery is not only preposterous, it's blasphemous. But the Businessmen and their Republican cronies with go ahead with their plans. After all, enriching themselves at cost of other's life matters. Nothing else matters.

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