Sunday, October 20, 2019

Maharashtra and Haryana State Elections - 2019

As the Campaign for the Maharashtra and Haryana state Assembly elections draws its curtain, no prize for guessing its outcome. After a long time I am witnessing a predictable, one sided election in India, duly vindicated by opinion polls. The results are not going throw any surprise - as the victory of BJP along with its NDA allies is a foregone conclusion taken for granted.

The only major National opposition party Congress has lost all its mojo, the will to stage a comeback fight. This happens to any organization bereft of vision which prefers mediocrity to quality. Congress party lacks quality leadership and direction at top level. The last leader who had political skills with leadersship quality was Indira Gandhi and to certain extent her chosen successor son Sanjay (her other son Rajeev lacked political acumen and went on to squander a rare historic mandate). The Gand Old party of India clings to a family way past its expiry date destined towards doom.

The Congress party had surrendered even before the campaign had started. Rahul Gandhi was hardly in the picture. A la rats jumping off a sinking ship, the Congress party men and women were seen quitting in droves. The AAYA RAM, GAYAA RAMA (Came Joe, went Joe) tendency of its political leaders as well as its UPA allies leaving for greener pastures, overwhelmingly towards BJP continues unabated. 

Can't blame them for their classic CHHATA (Umbrella) Party syndrome. Cut the hypocrisy, hardly anyone these days joins politics to do JANA SEVA (Public service). They do it for their personal gains - for money, power, accompanying benefits rather than any real political ideology. In this context joining BJP makes a whole lot of sense for them as they see no future in their own parties. (Similar rat race is seen in Odisha as BJD, a party in power for more than two decades is seen as best political bet).

A commonly used Odia saying goes as - BARSHA JUADE CHHATA SIADE (as the direction rain goes, so follows umbrella), which means the tendency of being a fair weather friend. This exodus is going to lean in the direction of rain and it rains BJP now. No wonder Politics is the last resort of  scoundrel and makes strange bedfellows. 

A weak opposition doesn't augur well for a democracy, for power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Power leads to corruption and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There will always a vacuum as the Ayaa Rams and Gayaa Rams rush in to umbrage under the same umbrella. Hope this lacuna is fulfilled by a constructive opposition as the ruling party BJP is diluting itself towards self destruction by unabashedly accepting bad Apples from other parties. This is ultimately going to hurt the so called party with a difference on the long run. It's time someone steps in to fulfill the vaccum. High time indeed.

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