Sunday, March 3, 2019

OIC - An Useless organization

The OIC which stands for Organization  of Islamic Countries condemned the Indian incursion and aerial violation and dropping of four bombs. It urged India and Pakistan to exercise restraint and avoid any steps that would endanger peace and security in the region. There resolution didn't fail to mention "Indian Terrorism" and "mass blinding" in Kashmir.

In this context, it's amazing OIC's invitation to Sushma Swaraj is being  celebrated by some as a huge diplomatic victory. Considering something is better than nothing, it is certainly an important step being invited for the first time. But claiming it as a "huge" diplomatic victory is both premature and preposterous when "Indian Terrorism" and "mass blinding" in Kashmir is served on a platter to a first time invited special guest.

In this context, it is moronic to go ga ga over the invitation to this useless organization. OIC is not United Nations Security Council and India is not exactly a veto wielding membership of it. It is hardly a coveted forum of distinguished gentlemen to cheer about being invited as a special guest. 

I can't think of any tangible contributions of it to the Islamic world is general and the Middle East in particular which is already in a mess. It has done hardly anything worthwhile to alleviate the ever rising Shia - Sunni divide in the Islamic world. One thing it has done religiously so far - never forgotten to humiliate India by condemning the later for its perceived illegal occupation of Kashmir.

And this is not the first humiliation of India by OIC. This has been happening from the Day I of its inception. In 1969, India wanted to send Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed who later went on become the President of India. OIC refused to admit him.

The humiliation didn't stop there. For the last 40 years or so, it has ensured to censure India on Kashmir. It's ironic that some rabid Right wingers who spew venom against Muslims at drop of hat, no fan of Islam and vouch over Kashmir being an integral part of India, are getting unduly ecstatic about India being invited at an Islamic meet - which has no qualms about humiliating India time and again. 

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