Sunday, January 20, 2019

Naveen Patnaik - Heck of a lucky guy

Though invited, Naveen Patnaik, the CM of Odisha and the Scion of Biju Dynasty did not attend the mega opposition rally in Calcutta initiated by the mercurial Mamata Banerjee. He has succinctly stuck to his often quipped monologue - "We are equidistant from both BJP and Congress".

It makes a whole lot of sense for him to do so. The King of Kalinga has nothing to gain by joining the opposition rally. The man is sitting pretty on his throne, all set to win a record 5th term in a few months. His Lok Sabha tally won't go below 16, even in the worst case scenario - giving him immense bargaining power in a prospective hung Parliament. 

Come May, he could very well be the most sought after person in Delhi, even a king maker - having carved his niche and earned the respect of his tribe by beating the anti incumbency factor time and again. King in his own turf he doesn't run to politicians, the politicians run to him as leaders of different hue and color flock to his doorstep. Being cool, aloof and secretive he keeps others guessing, keeping his cards close to his chest and an aura of enigma encapsulating him.

The man is in complete control of his party and kingdom. I call it kingdom, as a la a King he has doles out freebies and freebies to keep a lazy and docile subjects complacent and happy. America is not the land of free, Odisha is. He is the perfect proposition to a feudal state which thrives on the notion that a Superior King Must rule over the inferior Subjects. At the same time he has been successful in poaching local MLAs, leaders, satraps from the opposition parties in droves - having mastered the practice of divide and conquer. 

Let's cut the crap and the hypocrisy - no one joins politics these days to serve the people and nation, rather to warm their pockets. With no chance of BJP or Congress forming the government in Odisha in the near future, the leaders in opposition see a better chance in joining the ruling party which will guarantee a secured future, rather than sticking to the losing wicket. Life is short and no Neta worth his salt, at least in Odisha has the vision and patience to play long innings. Join the flow and make some bucks as long as the BJD Supremo's aura lasts.

With wind firmly behind him and everything going well, no one is better placed than Naveen in the upcoming elections in India. Fortunately for him he is all set to kill two birds using one stone as both Assembly and Parliamentary elections are held simultaneously - resulting in the unchallenged King of a State and the most sought after man at center. Heck of one lucky guy. Even his detractors grudgingly admit the same.

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