Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Departure for India trip 2018

Jet, set and go. A long journey awaits me with the itinerary of Columbus --> Atlanta --> Doha--> Delhi ---> Bhubaneswar, spanning seven seas, thirteen rivers spread across multiple continents. Hours left before I leave and miles to go before I reach.

This is the moment I eagerly look forward to every other year, an exciting time before I make my trip to India. It is normally planned months ago with a lot of parameters factored into - getting time off from work, social, family or festive occasions, price of air tickets and of course the weather in India (which may not exactly salubrious now, but hopefully not be awfully bad either as SHARADIYA or Autumn like weather with clear, blue skies with crispy, still air - usually around the Durga Puja Holidays).

Apart from cricket, it is arguably the weather which unites India at this time of the year - it is sultry. This is the time a tired monsoon winds down and bids adieu to the most part of India, leaving behind a trail of moisture hanging in the air. Barring a handful of places on higher elevation, from Ahmedabad to Agartala,  Chandigarh to Chennai it is invariably muggy at this time of the year but nights are cool and bearable.

I am too excited and ready to take the heat. In life the feeling of apprehensive curiosity in anticipation of an event is much more pleasant than the event itself. It is going to be my 14th journey from Coke Land to my Motherland India in more than couple of decades of stay in US.

As the D-Day approaches, excitement builds up. Can't focus on work as mind is preoccupied about the trip and what lies ahead. My coworkers find it a bit odd that we visit our home on vacation, when they travel away from home for same. Yet there is so much fun homecoming when you are away from home.

Upon arriving in India, the initial days of jet lag and reverse cultural shock gives way to lot of attention from friends and relatives, a la an infrequent guest is treated more cordially than a regular one. Even if I try not to, I invariably eat like a pig, shit like a Bull and end up write a lot of bullshit as blogs. Time is short and finite, engagements are many - way too many things to do, so much food to sample.

Looking forward to challenge my sweet tooth, splurging on an array my favorite Odia sweets which includes but not limited to, CHHENA JHILLI, CHHENA PODA, PAHALA RASAGOLA. The other stuff I like are Cuttack Mixture, freshly baked Naans, numerous Street foods, AVADA from temple and much more which I don't get here. I have made a solemn promise to myself not to eat any Pizza, KFC, Subway, McDonalds (the last one I believe doesn't have an outlet yet in the smart city of Bhubaneswar). I firmly believe in - Be Roman in Rome, be Indian in India.

Excitement would be an understatement, I am so thrilled for a fun filled 3 weeks, no work and full play. Dear Motherland, here I come. Sandwiches, Burgers, Pizza and Pasta - please take a backseat.

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