Thursday, July 26, 2018

RIP Sergio Marchionne

Those who don't know him, he joined as the CEO of car manufacturing company Chrysler in 2009 when the Detroit based automobile industry was in a brink of collapse. Sergio Marchionne turned the company around in no time when Crysler was seen as a hopeless cause walking with a one way ticket towards the door of bankruptcy.

What happened next is history. Sergio not just jump started the profits of Crysler, in no time he repaid the Billions of dollars of bailout money to the US Government with interest ahead of schedule.

In 2007, he wrecked a $350,000 Ferrari on a highway in Switzerland. “In the car business, sometimes you crash,” he said. When he got criticism from politicians and unions for slashing jobs and cutting costs, Marchionne argued that moving slowly could be even more risky.

A chain smoking maverick, Marchionne a known workaholic known to send emails and contact his subordinates in the middle of night. He was known as the Big BOSS in capitals, ascribing to his mafia style of "my way or highway" management. Not liked by the puritans for his unorthodox style - he not just got the work done or dealt with mission difficult, he turned around a mission impossible a dream reality. Crysler who saw Detroit was on the verge of a dead city about a decade ago, just earned a profit if $881 million in the last quarter.

Marchionne passed away at the young age of 66 yesterday. RIP the Auto giant - your story should be a management case study and inspiration to those in the business of business.

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