Saturday, June 2, 2018

Hawaii trip 2018 - Day VI

The Kona Airport on Hawaii Big Island is uniquely distinct from the rest of the Airports I have seen in United States. Once you check in, you would think the departure lounge being a closed arena and climate controlled. I was wrong. It was under open sky from the top, with the incessant Ocean air caressing the passengers.

It makes sense in an Island where the temperature hovers around 75F (21 Centigrade) all over the year with low humidity. This is pretty much the same temperature we set our AC at home. So, why waste money and energy on running Air Conditioning when nature provides the same free of cost 24x7, 365 days a year - not to mention being environment friendly with the added bonus of a soothing, salubrious breeze.

Hawaiian Language has 5 vowels and 8 consonants. They don't have the alphabet "S", the alphabet which is the first letter of with the most words in English dictionary. All the words are constructed using these few alphabets.

During our Chilhood days there was a magazine named Competition Success Review, popularly known as CSR. It was a must read for those aspiring for Civil Services, especially from the feudal and backward states like Odisha, UP and Bihar where the craze for the Civil Services used to be the highest.

Come June, when the results of the Civil Services are announces, it is shortly followed by a special edition of the magazine with a smiling person on its cover page with the caption - "IAS topper talks you". After a few pages of interview the final answer invariably comes from the topper every year - "Credit of my success goes to Competition Success Review". I doubt the veracity of the statement, though it may not be a bad price to pay for the budding Babu to be on the cover page of a magazine. It's win win situation for both.

But the most notable feature of the interview was the answer by the topper to the question about his preparations which led him/her to the path of success. Again the invariably mundane answer was - " 2 years of wide extensive studies, followed by 1 year of selective intensive studies".

As we had a Red Eye flight to catch on our way home and an entire day to spare, a la the IAS toppers we opted to do a "selective intensive" sight seeing, which was followed yesterday's "wide extensive" sight seeing.

The icing on the cake of the selective, intense visits today was the trip to the statue of King Kamehameha of Hawaii. It was built in 1818. His dynasty ruled for centuries until the last person of the dynasty Queen Liliuokalani was exposed by US which annexed Hawaii as its 50th state in the year 1893. Thus marked the end of the great Hawaiian dynasty. It is the end of my Hawaii travelogue as well.

A la a consulting assignment and life, a vacation (holidays) has a start date and an end date. All good things in life has to end one day. Now on my way to Atlanta, a long flight back home.

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