Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Politicians take good care of one another

 As the elections in Karnataka get closer and heats up with the progressing summer, so also the virulent, partisan discussions on media - social or otherwise. Going forward, it is going to get worse and more rabid as the national elections approach a year from now.

Keeping that in mind, recently I posted a request on Facebook not add me to any specific political groups. I love my independence, sanity and rational thinking. These groups are highly partisan and a balanced view is frowned upon. So no hard feeling - time is very precious and I don't want to waste my time on something which hurts more than helps.

For those who love political duels and mudslinging let me remind you at a high level, the politicians have a UNNEESH - BEESH (19 - 20) difference, providing a Hobson's choice, call it Devil vs Deep Sea (Deep She if you allude to Sonia). But inside out these leaders have excellent relationship across the board, irrespective of parties.

During early 2000, Rahul Gandhi the scion of Gandhi family was caught in Boston Airport of US allegedly in possession of weeds. He was detained by the American authorities for questioning. Normally we would expect the Vajpayee government trying to take political mileage out of this incident.

But the reverse happened. Ministry of external affairs pulled up its socks and was on an emergency mission to bail Rahul out. The Gandhi dynast was not the first Indian to face harassment in an US Airport. Rarely Government of India goes overboard to bail them out. But apparently in the case of Son of Sonia, an exception was made to the rule. A la Caesar's wife, Sonia's son is beyond suspicion. The ever pliant DURBARI (Obsequious Court of Emperor) media and Lutyen's eco system was brought into service to supress the news.

Bottom line, at the top the leaders have excellent relationship. During 1980s Odisha Biju Patnaik and his last name bearing rival Janaki had a tacit understanding of pitting weak candidates against one another. When one party is in power, the other guys in the opposition is kept in good humor, lest the same guy comes handy when the ruling person lands up in opposition. It is a classic case of you scratch my back and I scratch yours kinda arrangement.

But it is their foolish supporters who fight amongst each other on the street as well as social media - often spoiling there personal relationship succumbing to passion filled debates. Once the election gets over, the NETAs (so called leaders) get back to their bonhomie, albeit in private and good friends taking care of rach other when need arises. But the bad blood among commoners will linger on further beyond 2019.

Nothing more depicts the politicians than this Oriya quip -


roughly transliterated...

Narottam Dash says,
Not a single SALA (scoundrel),
is a good Fella.

(SALA literally means wife's brother, but used in a derogatory sense meaning - seducer of your sister to vent one's frustration).

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