Saturday, January 13, 2018

Dog in Indian mythology

In Hindu Mythology there are a number of animals associated with Gods and Goddesses. Shiva has Bull as his carrier, with snake adoring his neck as garland. Vasuki, the giant serpent holds the entire earth on its giant head.

Shiva's son Ganesh has a mouse to seat on and roam around. His other son Kartiyeka has peacock, Goddess of Wealth Laxmi has Owl. Durga rides Tiger, in some pictures I have seen her riding a Lion. Monkeys are associated with Hanuman and are revered. Hanuman along with his Monkey Regiment, along with Jambaban's Bear Regiment fought along with Lord Ram during his battle against Ravan.

There is JATAYU, the Giant Eagle who fought to death trying to save Sita while she was kidnapped by Ravana. Even Ravan, though a demon yet respected by many for his knowledge of Sacred Vedas and Public administration has his PUSHPAK VIMAN or private jet which ruled the sky propelled by a bunch of Geese.

Lord Vishnu has taken incarnation as animals multiple times - As MATSYA (Fish), VARAHA (Boar) and NARASIMHA (The mystic half man, half lion).The Lord Yama, the God of Death rides a Buffalo. Saraswati, the Goddess of Knowledge rides a Swan. And many more...

But conspicuously missing is Dog, man's oldest friend and probably the first animal to be domesticated, even before the Vedic age when most Hindu mythologies were compiled. Though extremely close to humans, the poor doggy is often looked down upon in our culture and tradition, for the reasons best known to those who compiled the sacred scriptures.

In the famous Jagannath Temple of Puri, if a dog enters into the temple the entire MAHAPRASAD (the special offerings to the God) literally goes down the drain. The Lord and the temple premises go through a purification process. However Cats and Monkeys roam free inside the temple. (Puri Jagannath Temple has its own rules. Unlike almost all Hindu temples, it doesn't forbid Girls and Women to enter the temple during their monthly period).

Every dog has his day. I remember a mention of it at the fag end of epic MAHABHARATA when the Pandav Brothers are guided by a snow white dog in the snow clad Himalayas towards their last journey. That dog turned out to be DHARMA (The Lord of Righteousness). May be our SANATANA DHARMA (The Eternal Religion), the oldest in the world give the mankind's oldest friend its due.

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