Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Rasgoolla lost to Bengal

In Odia and Bengali there is a term called ALUDOSH which can be roughly transliterated as "The Potato Syndrome". Pronounced in different accent they have the same connotation in both languages. Overall it denotes idiosyncrasies or unusually irritatingly lascivious or lecherous behavior. 
Something close to it happened between the two neighboring states, as the politics of Rasgulla brought a kind of ALUDOSH from both sides to open.  It's sour grapes for Odias as Misti (Sweet) Rasgoolla (Cheese Balls dipped in sugary syrup) goes to Bengal as for years both the states claimed credit to the popular sweet. We couldn't take the battle beyond social media and lost it Bengal. Many Odias are sulking over their defeat, Bengalis rejoicing over their victory.
There is an age old saying in Africa "When two elephants make love or war it is the grass which suffers". It's invariably the hapless commoners who bear the brunt. This brewing fight between these neighboring states can be stopped by making them agree to a,sweetened deal -put Rasgoolla into each other's mouth to sooth their nerves.
Both states not only share a common border but similarities in language, food, culture and traditions. One solution to this can be their Chief Ministers, Pappu and Didi the most eligible bachelors from the states to tie the knot. 
In the era of RAJA (kings) and MAHARAJAs (emperors) marital alliances between heads of states often solved age old rivalries. Odias can demand tons of delicious Rasgoolla from across the border as KANYAA BHARA (gifts from bride's side) which the BARAJATRIs or BARAATIs (the groom's friends and relatives who often inebriated accompany the former in the marriage procession) can cherish. That will be a real sweet deal.

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