Monday, July 25, 2016

Trump can very well win in November

Per the latest CNN-ORC poll, Republican nominee Donald Trump has taken a 3 point lead over Hillary. Nothing unusual coming after the Convention, this is called Post Convention bounce. The Democratic Convention starts today in Philadelphia and come next week - Hillary Clinton is going to wipe off Trump's post conversation bounce.

Trough in a normal election under normal circumstance, Hillary would have been a shoo in against his opponent, who looks more buffoon than Presidential. But it's not normal time in US, when a whopping 2/3rd feel that the country on a wrong track. With the trust on politicians being a record low, Trump is seen as the Knight in Shining Armor to many. Come  November, there's is a distinct possibility of seeing a President - Elect Trimp.

At this stage, Michael Dukakis had similar lead over George Bush Sr. in 1988 and Al Gore over Bush Jr. in 2000. Both went on to lose to the national election, to the father and son respectively. So any lead now hardly holds good till November which is eons away - when a week is considered as a long time in politics.

Until now Hillary carried a slight lead over Trump overall, but is tied to her opponent in the crucial swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. In American Presidential election someone doesn't get elected by winning the maximum number of popular votes, but by winning the highest Electoral College votes. So there is a chance that a person can get the higest popular votes, yet still lose the Election.

Al Gore exactly suffered that feat in year 2000, Bush won the White House in spite of the former winning the largest popular vote - a classic case of Electoral Dysfunction of America.

States like Texas and Georgia where I live will vote for Trump no matter what. States like California and New York will certainly go for Hillary. The final outcome depends on a few swing states, where Hillary is vulnerable. Read my lips, come November don't get surprised to see a President - Elect Trump. 

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