Thursday, April 14, 2016

The quest for power - Why Billlionaire Trump wants to be POTUS

Why the business tycoon Donald Trump toils hard in quest of a job which pays a salary of $400,000 per annum, paltry when compared to the head of a $9 billion empire which he heads currently.  (It's another matter his cherished new job comes with the White House, a Presidential Resort at Camp David, Marine One Chopper, a $1.5 Limousine called "The Beast" and of course Air Force One to fly around the globe).

The answer is simple. It's the hunger game for power to occupy what is arguably the most powerful position on earth - the President of United States. Power is the biggest aphrodisiac. Everything else is secondary. Since prehistoric times, children have killed parents, siblings have butchered each other, myriad stories rife with betrayals, just for thing - to seat on the seat of power.

"TAKHT YA TAKHTA" - there used to be a saying during the Mughal period, which means "Crown or Coffin". It aptly described the fratricidal wars fought for the prized Kingship which knew no Kinship. In the end one ended up with Crown, the rest rested in graves.

Fundamentally hardly anything has changed over time. In the world where winner take all, the loser lands up in the pitiful, political grave. Does anyone remembers Michael Dukakis, Bob Dole or Al Gore, the later who was so near yet so far ? It's a cruel world. History is always partial to the winners, with the losers destined to its dustbins.

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