Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Can India ever get Dawood

Just now I watched for a few minutes, the usually cacophonous debate on Arnab's program about Dawood Ibrahim and his whereabouts. There was hardly anything new or novelty in their discussion. One may not be knowing his exact coordinates, but no prize for guessing who protects him. Air was thick with innuendos, hardly anything substantial coming from the esteemed panel, except forcing Pakistan to hand him over. Per latest developments, as if our western neighbor gloating under the prospect of getting arms and alms from China (their all weather friend), Russia (India's all weather friend) and America (nobody's friend), would handcuff Dawood and pack him in the next flight from Karachi to New Delhi.

A few months ago on Arnab's panel, a Paki guy was boasting "Our ISI is far superior than your RAW, you can't do anything more than shouting". He had a point. Pakistan perceives India as soft and not swift. It can't retaliate beyond token official condemnations, our economy and nuclear technology not withstanding. It's sad, but true.

Dawood, arguably India's most wanted fugitive not only lives happily, many of our cricketers and movie stars have a history of entertaining him. (Hard to imagine Michael Jordan or Angelina Jolie entertaining Bin Laden). It's said half of Bombay is in his pocket. ISI spreads fake currency liberally inside our nation using D-Company's vast network, spreading its tentacles further. We have hardly done anything noteworthy to hit them back.

It's just not limited to Pakistan. The leader of LTTE, said to be our own creation, killed our own Prime minister, on our own soil. A elephant poacher named Veerappan with an explosive Walrus mustache, planted explosives on regular basis to kill our policemen with impunity, for close to two decades  eluding our law enforcement. In August 1992, a Karnataka SP, T. Harikrishna and his deputy Shakeel Ahmed posed as sandalwood smugglers to catch him. But they were caught off guard as by some of miracle psychic power Veerappan knew about their arrival before hand, shot both police officers.

With such a history no wonder the proverb "one should command respect, can't demand it" immediately comes to mind. If Veerappan inside our heartland had powers to get prior information to nab him, Dawood who lives outside and much more resourceful, has 10 times more psychic power to get prior information. Though I sincerely hope, it will take a miracle for India to get him during our lifeime, dead or alive. Discussions in Parliament or Panels would hardly help.

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