Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Senators reaching out to Iran against the Nuclear Deal

47 Senators who wrote an open letter to Iran’s leaders to undermine President Barack Obama’s nuclear negotiations probably broke the law, and they're going to get away with it. The law called, the Logan Act of 1799, allows for fines and up to three years in prison.

The act bans U.S. citizens from engaging “without authority of the United States” in “correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government ... with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government ... in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States.” Those 47 Senators have done exactly that. Fortunately for Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas and his co-signers, the law is not enforced and is likely unconstitutional.

It has a lot to do with Netanyahu, who just came here and doing his bit using the all powerful Jewish lobby. Not long ago the American President's decision on overseas matters was respected across the partisan aisles. No more. Now the Congressmen and Senators are working for Corporations. The best example was John Cotton, a Republican party senator elected last November from Arkansas who is spearheading this campaign. It's rumored a Republican friendly known as a staunch Obama opponent Jewish Casino magnate bankrolled his elections (in 2012 he donated millions to Romney's campaign) . Very disturbing trend indeed.

On a similar note 65 MPs wrote to Obama not to grant Modi US Visa. The only difference, the power of the Jewish lobby in USA and Minority appeasement policy in India.

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