Tuesday, February 10, 2015

AAP wins towards Congress MUKT Bharat

AAP's win in Delhi reminds me of Neil Armstrong who said son after stepping on moon surface " A small step for a man, a giant step for mankind". It's possibly the first step towards Congress MUKT (free) Bharat. We need a credible party in the role of government and opposition. AAP has a scope to provide that on long run. Otherwise the current ruling party BJP is perfectly capable of taking everyone for a ride, turning out to be another Congress.
I am glad the biggest loser in the election is not BJP, it's Congress. The Indian version of GOP has arguably ruined this nation. Those who support Congress have been benefited from keeping India poor and selling poverty. Without a formidable opposition the same party slept, became inept and soon connived with corruption which got institutionalized. (When it was at it's infancy rather than taking the Bull by its horn, Indira Gandhi famously dismissed corruption as a global phenomena).
I admire AAP and BJP as the only parties (apart from Communists) who have not yet succumbed to the family rule. Having said that, both are the crossroads of history to provide the right direction to the nation. Kejriwal needs to deliver beyond free water, electricity and Wifi to all. His party need to walk the talk by providing good administration to the citizens of Delhi. A decent show by him in the capital will expand AAP beyond its city limits to the heartlands. They must not squander this golden opportunity bestowed upon the voters. With bigger mandate comes higher expectation. When the expectation rises exponentially, the fall of a person and a party can be pretty steep and ugly.
If I were a top leader in BJP, I would not lose my sleep.  Yet I would take stock of the loss and make amends for what went wrong. One must remember that a week is a long time in politics, 6 month is eons. History tells us what goes around, comes around. Both BJP and AAP should remember. I hope this election turns out to be the harbinger of beginning of the end of Congress, a Congress MUKT BHARAT.

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