Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bush vs Clinton in 2016 ?

The Iowa Caucus, the first campaign in American Presidential election is almost a year away. A CNN poll among the Republicans finds Jeb Bush, son of one US President and the brother of another as their top most choice for nomination. For Democrats it's Hillary Clinton. So it could be Bush Vs Clinton again, old wine in new bottle.

A week is a long time in politics, a year is still longer. As the year 2015 is about to begin it will be interesting to analyze the prospects of these candidates. For Jeb the Bush tag is still a liability whereas for Hillary the Clinton tag is an asset. Bill Clinton is still popular, effuses charisma and reminds the Americans of the prosperity times of late 90s. In fact Clinton left White House with a budget surplus where as Bush left with trillions of debt.

Republicans could not defeat a vulnerable Obama in 2012 who was running a reelection with a record unemployment rate. With the US economy in upswing and if stays that way Hillary Clinton starts with an advantage. But we live in a highly unpredictable world. A lot of water would have flown under the bridge between now and November 2016.

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