Most of us may not have heard of Rasputin, the Evil Monk who was killed exactly 109 years, a month and a day ago, i.e. 30th December of 1916. A strapping tall peasant from Siberia, he blended his charm and rumored spiritual power to get close to Romanov family, the last Czar to rule Russia.
Friday, January 31, 2025
Rasputin the Evil Monk
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Last moments of Gandhi and Godse
History has been the witness to many political assassinations. Leaders of stature like Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr have failed to assassin's bullets after leaving their indelible mark in history. I am reminded by one such assassination on the Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's killing on 30th January, 1948 by a fanatic named Nathuram Godse exactly 77 years ago. It makes it imperative to narrate certain interesting anecdotes from last hours of Mahatma's life.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
The lure of neon light
US President Trump's decision to deport 11 million undocumented illegal immigrants who are mostly of Hispanic origin, though it include an estimated 725,000 number of Indians who form the largest group after Mexico and El Salvador. It needs to be reiterated that USA is NOT deporting NRIs. They is deporting the ILLEGAL Immigrants from India, most of whom are from Indian states of Punjab, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana and of course Gujarat, a state proudly proclaimed as role model development state of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
During my 28 years of living in the United States I have come across several folks from Indian whom I suspect as illegal and undocumented. Some of them are incidentally from Odisha, my home state back home. Years back, an Odia officer from IFS (Indian Foreign Services) was posted in America. Per Foreign ministry rules, he was entitled to bring a domestic help from India - an euphemism for the uncomfortable sounding servant. He brought a semi-educated young man from his village in Cuttack, thinking him the last and the least likely person to escape. Or so he thought.
The officer, a bachelor at that time, spent long days and evenings at work, often eating outside as part of his Foreign Service assignments. Having nothing to do at home and getting bored watching TV all day in an era sans smart phones and social media, his "helping hand", popularly known as "CHAKARA TOKA" in Odia or NAUKAR in Hindi, helped himself by going around the city. Slowly he started getting a taste of the American life. One fine morning he decided to abscond without informing his employer. Our IFS Babu (Officer) anticipated that his fellow Odia must have melted away in Chicago, gobbled by the gargantuan city as an undocumented illegal immigrant doing some menial job.
Soon his suspicion turned out to be true. One fine evening he was eating his meal in an Indian Restaurant where he saw his ex-helping hand mopping the floor. No sooner their eyes met than the later turned and ran away. Our Odia Officer chased him for a while, calling his name at top of his voice, that he is going to forgive him and his folks back home in India are now a worried lot.
It had no effect on the guy as he melted into the labyrinth of vehicles parked around. If the officer wanted he could have followed up with the local authorities to trace him out. But he let him go, allowing the man from his village pursue his American dream. Fast but not fast enough with his Babu type alcohol belly, he returned back gasping like the Cheetah on the National Geographic Channel after a failed attempt to catch its pray.
America was and still seen as "The Land of Freedom" as many of the forefathers of its inhabitants landed in America fleeing Europe to escape persecution. They were no doubt adventurous those days - for you need to be brave enough in order to migrate to a different corner of the world at a time when you don't know what's in store of you in a new world not you are connected to home by telephone, internet or social media. Yet, the call for freedom trumps all hurdles which can motivate humans to get adventurous, go above and beyond.
Illegal immigrations will continue as long as people perceive America as the land of opportunity and success in quest of a better life. Only if they are unable to find work, they can be tempted to go back. That won't happen as long as the local businesses in US have a vested interest in hiring illegals by paying them peanuts to further fatten their fat cat owners and the legal, unemployed ones would prefer to stay on welfare than doing any menial job. The powerful business lobby as well as the liberal organizations like ACLU (I sense a Business backing there too) want the illegal immigration to thrive.
Trump has stirred a hornet nest by trying to keep his election promise and doing more than lip service with his attemp to deport them. He has an herculean task ahead. Only time will tell how far he will walk the talk and succeed in his mission.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Childbirth rush before citizenship deadline
Today I came across the news of many Indian couples in America rushing for C-section to maternity clinics and are asking for preterm births. It is because the US President Donald Trump's executive order proclaiming the end of Birthright Citizenships from February 20. This is in spite of Doctors expressing concern about the health of mother and child.
A well known Software company from India is also known to be not very employee friendly and a stingy paymaster. For its employees posted on assignments in US, it provided minimal Health Insurance coverage, with almost nil maternity related coverage towards delivery and child care. It was to dissuade its employees to focus on work rather than have kids on American soil.The company suddenly changed its policy in the early 2000, leading to a baby boom with its employees going on a breeding spree which could challenge rabbits, fathering hundreds in a year. It included an Odia gentleman who was close to retirement age at that time became a dad for second time, his first kid was already in college.
I saw him rolling a stroller carrying an infant on a bright, sunny afternoon in New Jersey as the image of the sparkling sun was quite visible on top his bald head which acted like convex mirror reflecting light. I started pulling his leg - "AGYAN APANA BI EI BAYASARE... (You too at this age)" ? The gentleman blushed, his cheek turning red as his shiny head - "TAME KHALI THATTA KALA Sambeet (You are poking fun at me)". He didn't want to be left behind in fathering an American kid as a retirement benefit.
It doesn't come cheap either, costing them a cool $100,000. That's the amount they pay to Agents as fee, from arranging the airfare and Visa to medical and initial diaper expenses. It is strange that the craze emanates mostly from China, a country which is now is the 2nd biggest economy in the world and has made immense strides in last 40 years or so.
Obviously China has share of communist party members (some Communists are more equal than others) and government officials who can afford such jaunts for their pregnant wives paying from their hard earned bride on top of their SARKARI (official) salary. By law, anyone born on American soil automatically qualifies for citizenship. So technically they break no law when they go through "water break" on US soil. Instead they are charged for Visa fraud, as they don't mention about delivering baby as the reason for their visit.
It is estimated that more than 10,000 women visit United States on tourist every year just to deliver baby, the bulk of them being Chinese. Lure of the neon lights propel them "Eastward Ho" towards United States, for the Hus and Hwangs of the Middle Kingdom of Asia, America is still the land of opportunity. It yet vindicates the theory - One's open critic and proclaimed rival can also be a secret admirer. For the Chinese officials who see America as rivals, also see it as the land of Childbirth Tourism.
The craze for parenting US citizen led the employees to get aggressively engaged as time was short to produce a child within the limited timeframe of the consulting assignment. One never knows when things may change. So better get going before it gets late. Their hard work provided results in a year as hundreds got their grant fulfilled. Over the years nothing much has changed. Child birthism still continues unabated as the Presidential decree goes effective from February 20.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Netaji's Birthday
Today is the Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, a man who has earned my deep admiration and lives in the hearts of many more. He was our true NETAJI (Dear Leader), vindicated by the fact that he was the Commander-in-Chief of an entire Army called Azad Hind Fauz (Independent Indian Army) with no tangible military experience. This is not possible without unmatched leadership skills and ability to command respect. A highly motivational and charismatic speaker, he is remembered for his famous speech "GIVE ME BLOOD, I WILL GIVE YOU FREEDOM". Simple yet so profound, it inspired millions and still gives goosebumps.
Now, a tale of two NETAJIs. During pre independence time people fondly addressed Subhas Bose as Netaji. He earned the sobriquet. The term Netaji is very loosely used these days to depict any politician from small timers running for village Satpanch to big fishes. Any KUJI NETA (sundry leader) is a Netaji these days, the more ubiquitous being Mulayam Singh Yadav the UP politician who was addressed as Netaji by his followers. The similarities between Netaji Bose and them end there. In Odia we say KAHI RANI KAHI MEHENTRANI (Where stands the Queen and where stands the Toilet Cleaner). In Hindi they say KAHA RAJA BHOJ AUR KAHA GANGU TELI. Meaning of the proverbs in both languages is quite obvious.
The term NETAJI has been diluted and downgraded beyond repair, regressed over time. Hoping to be proved wrong, our generation may fade away remembering Subhas Bose as the last NETAJI of our time, a la the Royal Bengal tiger, soon to be extinct. Happy 128th Birthday to the Legend, a real leader and patriot who if didn't die in a disputed air crash, we might have seen a different India.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
The fertile Bihar scam
A fertile scam has been reported in Bihar where a gang fooled many males with fake pregnancy job offers. A group of fraudsters in the cow belt state known for scams and other notorieties, conceived an unusual method of scamming young men, by offering them hefty payment to impregnate childless women for an advance fee of a nominal amount. Unfortunately no sooner the advance fee was paid, than the scamsters became untraceable. The police has finally managed to arrest the gang who thrived long on the men's weird fantasy with some bonus of quick bucks a scope of turning into reality.
It brings me flashbacks from the year 1991. Months after Iraq lost the Gulf war to the American Allied forces, there was this serious rumor in Odisha - that there is a dearth of males in Iraq who perished during the war followed by high number of war widows. The Government of Iraq as relaxed its Visa rules to allow every able bodied Odia to enter as full paid house guests to procreate as many children as possible during their stay.Added to this myth - Only "SANDHA MARKA ODIA TOKA" (Bull Branded Boys) from Odisha, with tremendous physique and immense stamina meeting such demand would be granted this coveted Iraqi visa. Once the demand is fulfilled, the hosts and the guest had enough, plenty of offsprings produced, the male is free to return home.
Such kind of fantasy is not unusual in a sex starved milieu. It could be very well be the daydream of an Odia youth feeling hot after consuming a stomach full of PAKHALA for lunch on a hot day afternoon (PAKHALA is locally consumed water soaked rice blamed for the complacency and laziness of Odias as a race). Yet many bought the story and started enquiring if any agency was there to facilitate such trips to Iraq.
Now fast forward to almost 35 years, I can see some parallels and history repeating itself in the neighborhood state of Bihar. The basic human nature has remained unchanged over the years, only the state and platform of expression has changed to social media which wasn't there in the year 1991. From Iraq to Odisha and Bihar, the dream of delivering paid progenies lives on !
Thursday, January 16, 2025
RIP Raj Kishore Sasmal
I knew Rajkishore Sasmal before joining REC (Now NIT) Rourkela in 1986 where we studied Engineering together. Both of us were from Bhubaneswar, then a sleepy township of salaried folks, when every one knew the other person in the city. One year senior to me, he was one of my father's favorite students in BJB College who taught Physics to him. A smart, brilliant student, very well behaved, soft spoken and mild mannered boy, he was loved by all teachers including my father, a trait he carried into his student life in REC, Rourkela.
Though we addressed most of our Seniors in REC with their first name followed by "Bhai", I addressed him as "Sasmal Bhai" due to his unique last(sur) name. When I arrived on a sultry August afternoon at REC, Rourkela we were greeted by a bunch of seniors looking to rag freshmen, like red meat placed in front on salivating carnivores. Suddenly I saw a tall guy bending in front of my father - "Namaskar Sir. I will make sure that Sambeet is least impacted by ragging". I instantly recognized him from his voice and exclaimed - "Sasmal Bhai, how are you". He hadn't changed much since I last saw him in Bhubaneswar, except he built some muscles in the meantime, thanks to a well equipped REC Gym. Sasmal Bhai quietly called me to a corner - "Let me tell you. Don't show your exuberance and never behave smart in public and attract attention of seniors. Pretend to be a dumb guy. It will keep you unnoticed and certainly help you escape from any brutal ragging". I followed his advice which definitely helped.During our REC college days Sasmal Bhai was seen as a very dynamic person carrying his massive figure and personality who could be seen everywhere - in Back post, at Kresto's tea kiosk, College canteen, AV Hall, Drama competition, Spring Fest and many more. A good organizer, he was the Cultural Secretary of their batch, a coveted position to hold those days. He was an excellent team player. One winter day in late 1988 we crossed the sands of the dry "Brahmani" river to have a picnic in "Jhirpani" in the outskirts of Rourkela, followed by a feast of real time cooked Rice, Goat meat and salad. Sasmal Bhai not only arranged every thing for us, he let us enjoy while he guided the cooks, served us the food close to dusk while being the last person to eat. His action earned our respect.
In November 1989 while he was employed at TISCO he came to our hostel in REC to invite his juniors including me to his marriage. While handing me the card, he wanted me to take the lead in gathering a team to attend his marriage followed by the reception. I would have loved to, but with Exams around the corner, neither I could arrange a team nor make it to the occasion.
Last time we met was in November 2003 at the Bhubaneswar Airport. Though I saw him after more than a decade, he could instantly recognize me. Over the years he had gained some weight and developed a paunch. But his voice was soft and polite as ever. We chatted for few minutes while I waited for my luggage to arrive from the last day and he waiting for his mother coming back from Bangalore. During our tete-a-tete he adored my father who taught Physics at BJB College for a long time. Sasmal Bhai was tutored by him and told me how much he idolized my father for his inimitable and impeccable style of teaching. He admitted that my father's communication skills and style of expression and explanation of principles of physics and problem solving skills left an indelible mark in him. I was immensely flattered.
I never met him after that, but continued to keep hearing about him from our common friends. It saddened me a lot when I heard about him passing away to the other world. It saddened me more to see a young, talented man leave so early. I am reminded of Rajesh Khanna from the movie "Anand" - "ZINDAGI BADI HONI CHAHIYE, LAMBI NAHO" (Life needs to be lived King size, doesn't have to be long). He sure lived his life. RIP Sasmal Bhai. Om 🕉 Shanti.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Tribute to Fakir Mohan Senapati - A legend of Odisha
If he wasn't born in Odisha on this day of January 13, 1843 we Odias would be reading and speaking Bengali today. Fakir Mohan Senapati, a legend of Odisha was way ahead of his time. He was a writer, patriot, social reformer and a shrewd strategist rolled into one, who fought for the survival of Odia language which at one point of time was on verge of extinction.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Lal Bahadur Shastri
The birthday of Mahatma Gandhi always overshadows that of a hardworking, honest, patriot Indian, a great leader who shares October 2 with Bapuji as his birthday. He was our ex-Prime Minster, Lal Bahadur Sastri, albeight for a short time.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani
Today was the Day 1 of the "Pravasi Bharatiya Divas" (Non Resident Indians Day) at Bhubaneswar, Odisha, an annual jamboree held with a lot of fanfare. Mark Twain, the great American writer famously said - "It is easy to quit smoking as I have quit it 100 times." Same can be attributed to the Non Resident Indians (NRI) who have been promising to go back to India for several decades and still doing it. It is easier for me to go back to India as I have gone back 100 times.
But NRIs, much maligned, often butt of jokes and criticisms, referred to as Non Returning Indians, Non Required Indians, Non Responsive Indians etc have prospered as a community abroad while staying away from their motherland. NRIs in general and NROs (Non Resident Odias) in particular have made their share of vital contributions by giving back to their motherland. Technically many, including me who live overseas aren't NRIs, having relinquished their Indian Passports for long time by taking Citizenships of other countries, permanently settling down in their new homelands.In United States where I have settled down for good, the Indian Americans are only next to the Chinese immigrants in number and prosperity. It includes a sizable Odia diaspora present in ubiquitous larger number in numerous cities and Metros, excelling in multiple fields like Science and Technology, Medicine, R&D and various businesses. Nicknamed as DESI by their own, the NRI community have carved their niche. (Mostly Persons of Indian origin use this term Desi among themselves, often in a deregatory way. Mainstream Americans are mostly unaware of the term. Though I have this uncanny ability to laugh at myself, during my inititial days I was uncomfortable being called a Desi, a term generally used to denote pariah dog back home in Odisha).
Though NRIs based in US, Canda and Europe get a lot of attention, the largest number of them are present in Africa and Gulf countries. NRI bashing is quite common, they being outrightly branded as unpatriotic, selfish deserters of their motherland. Their kids are called ABCD (America Born Confused Desi).
In the aftermath of the Kargil war many NRIs, sarcastically described as Non Responsive Indians, responded spectacularly by wholeheartedly making handsome donations towards the Kargil funds set up for martyrs who died fighting while securing our border. I was one among them and was able to contribute more since I was earning much more in America than I was in India. Did not my ability to contribute a higher amount being a NRI benefited the families of our heroes ? It dispels the myth that NRIs don't contribute to their country of birth.
The Chinese government has succeeded in utilizing the potential of their diaspora living abroad by ably supporting and encouraging them to make major investment in their economy. Our Indian government is slowly realizing this and catching up, though still years behind their Chinese and South Korean counterparts. Yet it is never too late to harness the potential of our powerful NRI community.
Based on my tete a tate with commoners in India I have observed that many have this notion of NRIs (Non Resident Indians) sleep on stashes made from wards of money and dollars grow as fruits on plants in backyard. That is not necessary true in every case. I am just a regular middle class guy who makes just enough to pay his bills. I wish TANKA MO GACHHA RE FALANTA (Money would sprout on the tree in my yard). Regardless, always happy in my heart to make my share of contributions to India and Odisha.
Here is something on a lighter vain. A NRI visiting India once went shopping for toilet paper. The store was out of it. Said the furious NRI - What kind of store you have, you don't carry a necessity item like Toilet Paper ? "Sorry Sir", the storekeeper replied politely. We don't have toilet paper but we have plenty of Sand papers. TIKE ADJUST KARANTU or THODA ADJUCT KIJIYE ("Please adjust a little bit)".
I am now reminded of this song from Raj Kapoor's movie "Awaara" -
Roughly transliterated...
"My shoes are from Japan,
My trousers from England,
The cap on my head is Russian,
Still my heart is Indian".
So, for us all NRIs, "Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani" - Yet our heart is Indian.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Happy birthday Irfaan Khan
Irfaan Khan, the versatile, talented actor of many Bollywood and Hollywood movies and one of my favorites succumbed to his battle with cancer in the year 2020. He was only 53, a tragic young age to go. A brilliant actor, he had acted in Hollywood movies too.
I am reminded of his movie "PAAN SINGH TOMAR" where he has done a commendable role playing the leading character Paan Singh - a class IV drop out from the Badlands of Chambal, who joins the Army, where his passion for running is recognized by his Superiors.
Yes, Indian Army in 1950s was part of a system which was was fair, honest and efficient at a time only a few years after independence. We then still retained the old school of ethics inherited from the English (Corruption hardly existed during British days, but slowly crept in when we owned our own nation - a concern by Gandhijee to Home Minister Sardar Patel moments before his assassination).
In this movie Paan Singh's talent was recognized by his Sardar (Sikh) senior in Army as he makes him run for arriving late during the perfunctory military drills. A la Forrest Gump from the iconic Hollywood movie, he never stopped running. Soon he crashed into limelight when he broke the National record in Steeplechase at the 23rd National Athletics meet held in Cuttack, Odisha in the year 1958. It earns him a ticket to the Asian Games held in Tokyo a few year later, where he ran the 3000m Steeplechase race representing India.
A heart touching saga of a person whose sacrifice to the nation as a Sportsperson and a veteran Army man never came to his rescue, when circumstances turned a hard working, proud patriot into a dacoit-cum-kidnapper. It was in the 1970s when corruption well aided by the high handedness of Indian bureaucracy did everything possible to turn the man to take to guns for his own survival. The system failed him big time.
In the movie, Irrfan playing Paan Singh is a straight shooter, both from his mouth and gun. When a newspaper reporter interviews him asks why he became a dacoit, the fugitive retorts back - DAKAIT TO PARLIAMENT MEIN MILTE HAIN, HUM TO SIRF BAAGHI HAI (Dacoits are found in Parliament, I am just a rebel). He wasn't far from the truth.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Visit to Jagannath temple on New Year's Day
On New Year's Day the world famous Sri Jagannath temple in Puri in Odisha was kept opened for almost all night as hundreds of thousands thronged the temple to visit the ARADHYA DEVATA (The most propitiated GOD) of all Odias across the world. It has become quite fashionable these days to visit temples on First Day of January - which ironically follows the Gregorian Calendar rather than the Hindu Lunar Calendar. Many of these visitors who are the first ones to be critical of the New Year's Day being celebrated in India on Gregorian New Year are also the first ones in the rat race to reach the temple.
As there were no Zebra crossing, it took 5 minutes of exhibiting my ass swinging skills to cross a 25 feet wide road. Road crossing is an art in Odisha and one needs to be a trapeze artist to cross roads at the crossroads of Bhubaneswar. That day I went above and beyond my normal hip swaying which would have made any danseuse proud.
After managing to reach home in single piece I asked my father the reason behind such an unusual rush on an usual day. He said, it has become fashionable now-a-days to do a "JAGANNATH DARSHAN" (take a peek at Lord) on New Year's Day at His abode in Puri. Like a dip in river Ganga, they trust CHAKADOLA (Circular eyelid, another name of Sri Jagannath) with his ever pervading look will purify them off their dirt accumulated over time like Aqua guard does to crude water.
It explains why you would see many bloody, bleary eyed folks, still nursing hangover from previous night's New year's eve Bacchanalian jamborees and after dumping their last year's shit stumbling their way up the "BAISI PAHANCHA" (the legendary 22 step entrance into the temple) leading to Lord's abode. Many of them I know are prolific slimy, corrupt characters, congenial liars, champion womanizers and cheats of the highest order, who are known to religiously make this trip on New year's day to His temple and involve themselves in temple matters. I am now reminded of the Odia proverb - "ATI BHAKTI CHORA RA KAKHYANA", "too much of devotion id sign of a scoundrel". Reminded of yet another Hindi proverb which aptly describes such folks - "SOU CHUHA MAARNE KI BAAD BILLI HAZ KARNE CHALI" (After killing 100 mice the cat went on a Pilgrimage).
We have this popular Odia Adage - "BAARA BARSA RA TAPASYA SUKHUA PODA RE JIBA", transliterated, "Twelve years of penance will be swept away by consuming broiled dry fish". It means, all the great efforts and perseverance for a long period can go wrong by a single stroke of stupid act. Reverse this theorem - A trip to the abode of Lord Jagannath on the first day of the year guarantees buying peace and tranquility for the rest of the year, erasing off the sins in one stroke, a la the wiper of a car swishes away all the dust accumulated in summer after fresh monsoon rains. May KAALIA (as Lord Jagannath is known for his Amber complexion) bless them for the next 364 days, until their must visit yet again on January 1, 2026.